Aarhus University Seal

Mette Skou Hedemann


Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher

Primary affiliation

Mette Skou Hedemann

Areas of expertise

  • Untargeted metabolomics
  • Digestive physiology
  • Weaning of pigs

Contact information

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Email address


My primary research area is non-targeted LC-MS (hplc-mass spectrometry) based metabolomics. The focus is nutritional metabolomics and changes in the metabolome during health and disease. 

My second research area is digestive physiology in livestock and rats. My primary interest is the effect of weaning and/or feed composition (primarily the carbohydrate fraction) on digestive enzyme activity and intestinal morphology. 

Teaching activities

I supervise bachelor, master, and PhD-students.

I teach biochemistry in the courses Cell 1 (veterinary science) and Animal Cell 1 (animal science)

Selected publications

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