Aarhus University Seal



LSU (Local Liaison Commitee)


The role of the Liaison Committee is to promote cooperation between management and employees in putting into effect the strategies and goals of the department and AU. In this respect, the committee aims to:

  • Involve employees in work relating to AU’s goals, strategy and finances.
  • Establish personnel policy frameworks that will promote competency development and will create motivation to fulfill AU’s goals.
  • Contribute to creating the best possible working conditions and a good environment across the whole of AU.
  • Contribute to increasing cooperation at the department and across the whole of AU, so that individual. employees can - through their influence on their own working situations - help to improve the workplace as a whole.
  • Provide a channel for the mutual exchange of information in order to promote optimal co-operation. 


Members and composition

The Head of Department chairs the committee, and the additional members are chosen among the department staff. The members are chosen for two years at a time.   

Furthermore, the HR partner participates as observer. You can find your union representative at AU staff sites via Staff Service.


LSU meetings are held four times a year as a minimum. 

LSU members

LAMU (Local Working Environment Committee)


  • LAMU leads and coordinates the working environment efforts of the department.
  • LAMU plans, gives advice, and solves specific issues related to the working environment, is visible, and available.
  • The committee makes the mandatory working environment agreement for the department and takes precautionary measures against working environment problems.
  • The committee ensures that the department complies with the Working Environment Act and the internal AU rules and regulations. 
  • The committee makes action plans and follows up on the Workplace Evaluation (APV). 
  • The committee investigates accidents and takes precautions to avoid them from reoccurring.  


Members and composition

The Head of Department chairs the committee (at the moment, a representative from the Leader Team), and additional members are chosen among the department staff. The members are chosen for a three-year period. Furthermore, two student representatives are aligned to LAMU.


LAMU meetings are held four times a year as a minimum. 

LAMU members