Aarhus University Seal

Master of Science

Master's degree programme 

in food, technology and nutrition

The Department of Food Science has the main responsibility for the  Master of Science degree programme in food "Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology".

The programme gives an understanding of the interplay between food product quality and human health. The students obtain insights in modern processing methods and their influence on food product properties, molecular biological knowledge and competences at the intersection between food technology, nutrition and food-related health.

Write your master’s thesis at Department of Food Science

It is possible to write your Master’s thesis at Department of Food Science. We have created a platform with ideas for master's thesis projects, but you are also welcome to contact us with your own idea.

Contact: Associate professor Margrethe Therkildsen, tel. +45 22167975 mail: margrethe.therkildsen@food.au.dk

What is the Master of Science degree programme in food Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology?

EIT Master in Food Systems

The Program “Master in Food Systems” (MFS) is an integrated graduate degree program organized by academic institutions and industrial partners from across EIT Food pan-European partner network. Its goal is to prepare students to drive a future transformation of the food system and increase the competitiveness of their future employing companies. The MFS program promotes a deep knowledge of the food system as an integrated value chain by providing students with the opportunity to study consecutively at three academic institutions which provide distinctly different semester blocks, each one of them focusing on specific areas of the food system. This is coupled with a partner-mentored project/thesis work and non-academic activities offered by industrial partners.

Department of Food Science is involved in a number of academic paths. In general, students are enrolled at a home university, and spend 2nd and 3rd semester abroad at academic partners in Europe depending on the selected paths before returning to the home university to finalise the academic work in the thesis. The focus areas in the Master can be tailored to the student’s wishes. The main focus areas are Circular food systems, Consumer practices and public engagement, Targeted nutrition and health management, Sustainable production, Food safety, transparency, and traceability, Management of food system innovations, and  Innovative food processing. The keywords for the two paths involving AU-FOOD are Future Foods and Food Structure.

MSc in International Food Quality and Health

The overall objective of the MSc in International Food Quality and Health is to educate graduates who are able to apply and communicate state-of-the-art theoretical knowledge about cultural differences in food safety, health and quality perception in a Western-Asian context especially relevant for international food supply among emerging markets.


­With a Master’s degree in International Food Quality and Health you will have a firm grasp of the journey of food products from farm to fork. Through the programme you will gain an understanding of the food chain across different disciplines by immersing yourself in subjects such as sustainable food production, food safety, food quality, nutrition and marketing for the international market.

Students will learn about food quality, safety and health in relation to international food supply. Danish and international food industries both East and West request this profile which is not to be found among any other MSc educations in Europe.

The MSc in International Food Quality and Health education is set at 120 ECTS points and consists of: compulsory course modules during the first and second semester (60 ECTS points, CN) and topic specialization via an experimental thesis during the third and fourth semester (60 ECTS points, DK or CN)

The growing population and improved welfare of the world call for an unprecedented focus on sustainability and resource-efficient food production as well as the ability to meet a growing demand for high-quality food products – nowhere more so than in China. 

As the income of Chinese consumers rises, so does the demand for greater quality, convenience and safety in food. Hence, the Chinese food industry is investing heavily in technology and has a great demand for innovation and know-how in order to be able to meet the needs of the population.      

Double degree

On completion of the programme, you receive a double degree and the following titles: Master of Science in International Food Quality and Health from Aarhus University and Master of Science in Food Safety and Health from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.