Aarhus University Seal



MACSYS - Development of an objective method to perform quality classification of comminuted poultry meat

The current regulation of mechanically separated meat (MSM) states that all types of MSM must be declared on the label regardless of the raw material quality. 

Development of a technology for mechanical meat-bone separation now enables production of a meat raw material that cannot be distinguished from regular minced meat. 

Consequently, there seems to be no objective reasons to maintain the current regulation of MSM.

MACSYS started on 1 January 2014, and involves nine partners from 6 EU countries. The project runs for 2 years. It focuses on new, efficient and objective solutions for quality classification of comminuted poultry meat through collaboration between 4 RTD, 4 SME and 1 end-user partners.

Overall objective
To develop efficient and objective methods for quality classification of MSM.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 605621.