Kjær, A., Nielsen, G., Stærke, S., Nielsen, S. F.
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Detection of Black Heart in potatoes by two methods of hyperspectral imaging. Poster session presented at Postharvest EAPR Section Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands.
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Kjær, A., Lommen, W. J. M., Dupré, V. C. F.
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N affects the leaf area and glandular trichomes of Artemisia annua. Poster session presented at ISHS International Symposium on aromatic and medicinal plants, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Kjær, A., Lommen, W. J. M., Dupré, V. C. F.
, Grevsen, K. & Jensen, M. (2011).
Nitrogen application to field-grown Artemisia annua affects the leaf area and number of glandular trichomes, but not the density and area of glandular trichomes. Poster session presented at ISHS International Symposium on aromatic and medicinal plants, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Kjær, A., Nielsen, G.
, Clausen, M. R., Stærke, S., Jørgensen, B.
& Edelenbos, M. (2015).
Prediction of biochemical parameters in potatoes using Hyperspectral and Dielectric resonance spectroscopy. Poster session presented at World Potato Congress , Beijing, China.
Kjær, A., Jensen, M., Grevsen, K., Ivarsen, E., Fretté, X., Christensen, K. B. & Christensen, L. P. (2010).
Pursuing ways to increase number and production efficiency of glandular trichomes in Artemisia annua by applying physical and chemical stresses: Poster no. 230 presented at Symposia A07 FAV Health. Poster session presented at 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kittemann, D., Streif, J., Bozzi, A., Gabioud, S., Derx, R.
, Lindhard, H., Mathieu-Hurtiger, V., Rutkowski, K. & Zanella, A. (2009).
Influence of 1-MCP on softening behavior of different apple varieties in different European countries. Poster session presented at ISAFRUIT General Assembly, Angers, France.
Kidmose, U., Warming, L., Pedersen, L., Bertelsen, A. S., Mielby, L. A. & Byrne, D. V. (2019).
Are cross-modal interactions in sweet beverages influenced by demographic factors?. Poster session presented at Pangborn 2019: 13th Sensory science symposium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Kidmose, U., Jensen, S., Mielby, L. A., Lassen, J.
& Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2017).
Consumer acceptance of organic wheat bread from grains fertilized with different compost types. Poster session presented at Pangborn 2017: 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium , Providence, United States.
Kidmose, U., Alexi, N., Andersen, G. H., Riesco, S. & Bald, C. (2021).
European Consumers' Attitudes Towards Novel Protein Sources. Poster session presented at Pangborn 2021, Nantes, France.
Kidmose, U., Andersen, B. V., Mielby, L. A., Hemmingsen, A., Christensen, A. M., Nørgaard, M. K.
, Akkerman, M., Foged, B. & Hammershøj, M. (2016).
Salt content in semi-hard cheese –the effect of salt reduction on sensory properties and consumer acceptance. Poster session presented at EUROSENSE 2016 - Seventh European Confernece on Sensory and Consumer Research, Dijon, France.
Karaman, İ., Nørskov, N., Yde, C. C., Måge, I., Afseth, N. K.
, Hedemann, M. S., Knudsen, K. E. B., Martens, H. & Kohler, A. (2010).
Variable selection in the explorative analysis of several data blocks in metabolomics. Poster session presented at Afrodata 2010, Rabat, Morocco.
Junge, J. Y., Mielby, L. A., Bertelsen, A. S., Byrne, D. V. & Kidmose, U. (2019).
Cross modal effects of aroma on sweetness perception in beverages. Poster session presented at Pangborn 2019: 13th Sensory science symposium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Junge, J. Y., Mielby, L. A., Yuanxia, S., Zheng, Y.
, Byrne, D. V. & Kidmose, U. (2019).
Taste-taste interactions between sweetness and sourness: an investigation on chemical, physiological, individual perceptual, and cultural level in food matrices. Poster session presented at The Sino-Danish Food and Health Conference Series: Food, Health and Safety in Cross Cultural Contexts, Beijing, China.
Jørgensen, B., Kreutzmann, S., Øgendal, L.
, Damager, I., Harholt, J.
, Thybo, A. K. & Ulvskov, P. (2008).
Comparison of pectin in different potato cultivars: Poster 10. Poster session presented at Pectins and Pectinases, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Jørgensen, M.
, Christensen, K. B., Kotowska, D. E., Christensen, L. P. & Kristiansen, K. (2009).
Diterpenes and other metabolites from sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and their effect on the human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) y. Poster session presented at Nordic National Products Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.