Aarhus University Seal

Food Chemistry


Below please find a selection of ongoing research projects. Project descriptions for several of them are publicly available on websites which can be linked to from this page:

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  1. Paving the way for microbial caseins - deciphering the importance of post-translational modifications - DECIPHER

    Peter Ruhdal Jensen , Ivan Mijakovic , Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Jing Che , Julia Prangchat Stub Thomsen & Lotte Bach Larsen

    In order to increase available food for the growing world population and at the
    same time reducing climate impact of its production, more sustainable sources of
    food proteins are urgently needed. In this context microbial production systems
    are promising solutions. However, animal-derived proteins often carry protein
    decorations and modifications that gives the proteins special properties and
    functionalities. These modifications, scientifically denoted post-translational
    modifications (PTMs), are overall linked to more advanced biological systems, and therefore microbes, and especially bacteria, are less capable of
    producing. This constitutes a major bottleneck for using microorganisms as the
    efficient expression vehicles they actually are for eg the very valuable animal
    coded proteins. However, if we can decipher and rank the importance of PTMs
    including essential sites and amount or degree of modification at each of these
    sites are essential for protein functionality we can reduce the complexity of this
    The DECIPHER project initiative aims to remove these bottlenecks associated
    with microbial production of proteins related to the milk system – the caseins –
    and investigate and hopefully demonstrate the possibility of modifying the bovine
    caseins in vitro after their microbial synthesis, and produce protein food
    ingredients with comparable nutritional and functional properties as their native,
    true animally produced original counterparts.


  2. Staldfodring med frisk græs

    Mogens Larsen , Martin Øvli Kristensen , Lars Wiking , Irene Fisker , Lotte Bach Larsen & Nina Aagaard Poulsen

    Projektets mål er at øge anvendelsen af staldfodring med frisk græs som et led i at opnå en større andel hjemmeproduceret foder og derigennem at reducere miljø- og klimabelastningen fra dansk mælkeproduktion. Projektet vil undersøge staldfodring med frisk græs i både praksis besætninger og med de fistulerede køer på AU Viborg, som tilsammen vil skabe viden om foderoptag, mælkeproduktion og -kvalitet samt græssets proteinværdi når staldfodring med frisk græs er rygraden i foderrationen.

    Projektet er finansieret af Mælkeafgiftsfonden.Description


  3. Toxicity study of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) present in polymer materials

    Emmanouil Tsochatzis , Helen Gika & Adrian Covaci

    Toxicity study of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) present in polymer materials Description
