Aarhus University Seal

MuscleFuel Enhancing Growth and Performance of Cultivated Muscle Cells through Targeted Hydrolysis

MuscleFuel will create nutrients for cell culture from animal and non-animal biomass that can increase the production of cultivated meat as an alternative to traditional meat production

  • Upcycling of blood from the slaughterhouse as nutrients for cultivated meat will increase the output per slaughtered animal

  • Utilizing a carbon-capture algae as nutrients will lower the impact of cultivated meat

MuscleFuel is supported by the AgriFoodTure as a 3 year project from Jan 2024- Dec 2026 aiming at exploring nutrients for cell culture from animal and non-animal biomass that can increase the production of cultivated meat as an alternative to traditional meat production.

MuscleFuel explores new tools to optimize the nutrients for growth by AI based targeted enzymatic hydrolysis of sustainable biomasses of blood and CO2 neutral micro algae which will support a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to produce cultivated meat.

MuscleFuel is an exciting new collaboration between two startups (Syngens AS; Algiecel APS), a large food producer (Danish Crown A/S) and two Universities (Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Aarhus University)

This video is a presentation of the scope and concept of MuscleFuel.



Project leader

Margrethe Therkildsen

Professor Department of Food Science - Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods