Aarhus University Seal

Food Chemistry


Below please find a selection of ongoing research projects. Project descriptions for several of them are publicly available on websites which can be linked to from this page:

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  1. DFF-green transmission project: Impact of plant-based diet on the consumption of health promoting microRNA’s

    Martin Krøyer Rasmussen , Milena Corredig & Rong Zhou

    With today’s climate changes and limited resources, the availability of high quality proteins for consumption is increasingly challenged. Plant-based alternative protein sources has been identified. However, animal based food ingredients (e.g. milk) contains exosomes encapsulating microRNA (miRNA) with health beneficial properties. Thus, minor compounds of importance for health are provided by the food and we are currently lacking knowledge about these in plant-based diets. To deliver this, the aim of this project is to map dietary plants that contains exosomes with miRNA and provide proof-of-concept by demonstrating that the exosomes are prone to processing, digestion and has biological activity. This is done by 1) documenting the content of exosomes and miRNA in dietary plants, 2) determine the stability towards food processing and human digestion and 3) deliver knowledge on the health beneficial properties of the exosomes and how to increase the health potential of plants.Description


  2. Composition of "CleanMilk" from in vitro grown milk cells

    Lotte Bach Larsen , Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Ulrik Kræmer Sundekilde , Stig Purup & Jing Che

    The overall target of the CleanMilk initiative is to provide a scientific basis for potential future use of in vitrogrown bovine mammary cells for production of milk constituents. This will examine ifsuch systems in the long perspective can contribute to reduce climate gases and thereby contribute to fulfill Danish climate goals for 2030 and 2050.

    The project is financed by the Danish Dairy Research FoundationDescription


  3. Toxicity study of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) present in polymer materials

    Emmanouil Tsochatzis , Helen Gika & Adrian Covaci

    Toxicity study of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) present in polymer materials Description


  4. NaFoCo

    Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard , Martin Jensen , Anders Hauer Møller & Marianne Danielsen

    Det overordnede mål med NaFoCo er at udvide den danske position til den meget konkurrenceprægede internationale naturlige madfarve, markedsføre og fremskynde fuld udskiftning af kunstige madfarver for at imødekomme forbrugernes efterspørgsel og gavne menneskers sundhed.
    Ved brug af sorte gulerødder (BC) som modelafgrøde etablerer NaFoCo en industriel platform til hurtig udvikling af skræddersyede naturlige farver, der muliggør yderligere udskiftning af kunstige farver med naturlige løsninger i udfordrende madapplikationer. AU-FOODs vil i projektet udvikle en analytisk platform til at forstå, hvorledes anthocyaniners molekylære strukturers påvirker farve- nuance og intensitet samt stabilitet. Ydermere bliver molekylære strukturer relateres til genetik og miljøpåvirking.
    Oterra A/S er projektleder på NAFCOCO.
    Fra AU FOOD er Trine Kastrup Dalsgaard leder på projektet og Martin Jensen er arbejdspakkeleder.
    AU Flakkebjerg på genetikområdet .Description
