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Save the dates: 24-28 June 2024 for the fourth annual Dairy Symposium and Summer School, edition 2024

  • Follow updates on the program HERE

Delivering with dairy: from primary production to primary purpose

What is the role of dairy in future diets?

Key for maintaining the role of dairy in sustainable and healthy diet is ensuring holistic views which cover the entire food system.

Any future food system will only function if it leads to diets that are not only healthy and sustainable, but also affordable, safe for all, and accepted.

This conference aims to bringing the dairy science community together, as the future food system will need to be created with input from many disciplines to future proof the role of dairy in this future food system, where the primary aim is to supply nutrition to billions of consumers world-wide via a balanced nutrient rich diet. 

The Dairy Science and Technology Symposium 2022 consists of two different events:

  • An online symposium from Jun 13th to Jun 16th, starting 15:00 CET, targeted equally at students of dairy science that are interested in the latest topics and dairy professionals from academia and industry.

  • A summer school from Jun 14th to Jun 17th, starting 9:00 CET, for early career researchers, who want to strengthen their knowledge in dairy science and enhance their transferable skills.

Note: While the symposium will be held online (link will follow after registration), the summer school is planned to be held in person at Aarhus University.

Please stay updated.

Optional events

Complementary, we offer two interactive workshops for early career researchers held by Joanne Uí Chrualaoich (University College Cork, Ireland) in Aarhus on June 13 and June 15

  • How to design controversy workshops for active, team-based learning” Find more information and sign up here
  • "How can I increase the impact of my research? A journey through comprehensive stakeholder analysis" Find more information and sign up here