Aarhus University Seal

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods - Projects

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods


Below please find a selection of ongoing research projects. Project descriptions for several of them are publicly available on websites which can be linked to from this page:

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  1. RENEW – Valorisering af sidestrømme fra mejeriindustrien til forebyggelse af knogletab i postmenopausale kvinder

    Hanne Christine S. Bertram

    Det overordnede mål med RENEW er at skabe en cirkulær bioøkonomisk forretning ved at udnytte calciumrige sidestrømme fra valleproduktionen til at udvikle et funktionelt calcium ingrediens-koncept, der effektivt kan fremme knoglesundheden.
    Særligt den ældre befolkning er i risiko for at miste knoglemasse, og derfor er det essentielt og af stor værdi at udvikle effektive strategier, der kan sikre en effektiv calciumoptagelse hos denne betydeligt voksende befolkningsgruppe. En central målsætning for RENEW er derfor at gennemføre et 1-årigt interventionsstudie med henblik på at dokumentere, at det funktionelle calcium ingrediens kan mindske knogletab i postmenopausale kvinder. Derudover vil RENEW kortlægge om en kombination af det biofunktionelle mælkecalcium med en præbiotisk fiberkilde (inulin) ydermere kan øge calciumoptagelsen og dermed styrke knogleopbygningen. Hypotesen er, at tarmbakteriernes fermentering af kostfibrene vil sikre et tarmmiljø, der fremmer calciumoptagelsen, og en målsætning er også at opnå en detaljeret forståelse for disse aspekter ved at gennemføre metabolomics og microbiom analyser. Ved at kombinere disse data med machine learning teknikker i en omfattende dataanalyse vil vi desuden tilegne os forståelse for hvilke faktorer, der er afgørende for forsøgspersonernes respons. Denne viden vil på sigt være værdifuld i forhold til at udvikle skræddersyede fødevareprodukter.


  2. Måling og reduktion af metan i praksis (METAKS)

    Lars Wiking , Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Margrethe Therkildsen , Peter Lund , Christian Friis Børsting , Nicolaj I. Nielsen & Martin Øvli Kristensen

    The project will form the basis for reducing methane emissions from cattle by 1 million tonnes of CO2 by 2030, corresponding to the government's agreement on the green transformation of Danish agriculture. The mean of action is the implementation of feed additives, feed materials and feeding strategies to reduce the methane emission from the cow.

    Equipment will be installed to measure methane emissions from individual cows on several cattle farms. This will provide a unique trial setup to test and optimize the allocation of feed additives under practical conditions in order to achieve the greatest possible reduction in methane emissions, without affecting the cows' feed intake, milk yield, health or welfare. Furthermore, the project must ensure that the quality of the milk and meat is not impaired by the use of feed additives.

    The project will provide a unique opportunity to bring the feed additives and feeding strategies closer to Danish farmers and companies and enable them to be the first worldwide to implement these strategies and additives in practice to reduce methane emissions


  3. CellFood Hub

    Jette F Young , Liisa Lähteenmäki , Stig Purup , Esben Skipper Sørensen , Clarissa Schwab , Steen Brock , Stella Spanou , Jesper Emborg & Mogens Sandø Lund

    CellFood Hub aims to disrupt the conventional concept of a food commodity. Cellular food is placed between biotechnology and food and is as such not an established line of research nor an established commercial path – yet. It is in all aspects very much still in its infancy without any large Danish cultured food companies to adhere to or collaborate with. It not only requires new production technologies, production chains, sourcing and infrastructure but also legitimation, transparency, understanding, acceptance and liking from a consumer and citizenship perspective.Description
