Aarhus University Seal

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods

The Science Team: Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods

The science team’s activities focus on how to improve product quality and nutritional value, add new positive features to well-known food products or innovate/develop new types of food products such as cultured meat. 

The topics include research in alternative sustainable production systems to differentiate the raw product and evaluate product quality parameters such as the tenderness/texture, colour, taste and bioactive and nutritionally important constituents of food products. The team’s activities also include new ways of producing foods and ingredients as well as effects of bioactive components e.g. in cells from liver, muscle and intestine incl. activity of detoxification enzymes, glucose uptake and metabolism and uptake over intestinal cells. Metabolomics is integrated into the research for investigating health promoting as well as functional properties of different foods. These research activities also include intervention studies in animal models and humans and is conducted in collaboration with researchers from leading research environments.