Aarhus University Seal

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods - Projects

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods


Below please find a selection of ongoing research projects. Project descriptions for several of them are publicly available on websites which can be linked to from this page:

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  1. CircularMeat – Cultured meat from animal derived side-streams

    Jette F Young , Margrethe Therkildsen , Martin Krøyer Rasmussen & Mogens Sandø Lund

    In a balanced meal, meat contribute with proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, bioactive components, and minerals. However, traditional meat production is challenged, because it draws heavily on land and water resources and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emission. Cultured meat is a future way to produce the same nutrients, with severely reduced impact on the environment. One of the largest challenges in culturing muscle cells in an economic sustainable way with consumer acceptance is eliminating fetal bovine serum (FBS) from the culture media. This project focuses on efficient modeling of culture media composition without FBS, by identifying and validating the combined effect of animal side-stream derived nutrients supplemented with recombinant growth factors for a cultured meat production in a circular perspective.Description


  2. CellFood Hub

    Jette F Young , Liisa Lähteenmäki , Stig Purup , Esben Skipper Sørensen , Clarissa Schwab , Steen Brock , Stella Spanou , Jesper Emborg & Mogens Sandø Lund

    CellFood Hub aims to disrupt the conventional concept of a food commodity. Cellular food is placed between biotechnology and food and is as such not an established line of research nor an established commercial path – yet. It is in all aspects very much still in its infancy without any large Danish cultured food companies to adhere to or collaborate with. It not only requires new production technologies, production chains, sourcing and infrastructure but also legitimation, transparency, understanding, acceptance and liking from a consumer and citizenship perspective.Description


  3. Taste enhancement of cultured beef by controlled cellular/molecular maturation: TastyAlephBeef

    Jette F Young , Margrethe Therkildsen , Martin Krøyer Rasmussen & Neta Lavon

    The project focuses on enhancing the organoleptic properties of a cultured beef product at the molecular level. An important aspect of making beef palatable is controlling the maturation process. In conventional production, blood is drained and oxygen and nutrient flow to the cells is terminated at the same time as the carcass is cooling, leading to post mortem biochemical reactions. The speed and extend of these post mortem biochemical reactions affect taste and texture of the final product. This project investigates the effect of external maturation conditions on the biochemical processes of importance for taste development in cultured bovine cells. Description


  4. / Grass-based organic beef supporting sustainable eating habits (GrOBEat II)

    Margrethe Therkildsen , Mogens Vestergaard , Troels Kristensen , Lisbeth Mogensen , Barbara Vad Andersen & Iben Alber Christiansen

    Formålet er at beholde økologisk fødte tyrekalve i den økologiske produktion og samtidig udvikle et produkti-onssystem der tilgodeser både dyrevelfærd, klima, biodiversitet og den fremtidige forbruger, hvor kvalitet af kød erstatter kvantitet. Dette sker ved at videreudvikle GrOBEat produktionssystemet udviklet i Organic RDD6-projekt ”Grass-fed organic beef for sustainable eating – GrOBEat” til produktion af kød fra kalve og ungdyr, så dette også inkluderer et oksekødsprodukt (26 mdr. stude) inklusiv måling af produktionsegenska-ber, kvalitet, forbruger-spiseadfærd og klimaeffekt af studekød. I GrOBEat II testes hypotesen, at kvalitet kan erstatte kvantitet og dermed ændre spiseadfærd af økologisk græsbaseret oksekød mod sundere spisevaner og øget tilfredsstillelse. Til dette benyttes både et trænet sensorisk panel og et stort utrænet forbrugerpanel. For at fremme implementeringen af hele GrOBEat produktionssystemet etableres der netværksgrupper for øko-logiske kvægbrugere, som ønsker at arbejde med kalve fra den økologiske mælkeproduktion, og der laves informationsaktiviteter vedr. management og fodring i GrOBEat produktionssystemet. GrOBEat II generer den viden, der skal til for at implementere det innovative GrOBEat produktionssystem for kødproduktion baseret på kalve fra den økologiske mælkeproduktion. Dermed forbliver kalvene i det økologiske system, og produktio-nen sker under hensyntagen til dyrevelfærd (ko-kalv samvær, maksimal afgræsning), miljø- og klimaeffekt (re-duceret N og CO2 udledning) og fokus på produktet, så det tilfredsstiller fremtidens forbruger (Optimeret kvalitet, øget tilfredsstillelse, reduceret indtag). Dette skaber troværdighed i hele den økologiske kvægproduktion og et holistisk grundlag for at producere økologisk kalve- og oksekød nu og i fremtiden.Description
