Aarhus University Seal

New project: Interactive Gardens

In the project INTERACTIVE GARDENS, public authorities develop a system of interactive public gardens in order to improve health services for people, and thus better meet their well-being, social and educational needs.

Project summary

The project will take the challenge of developing the interactive nature-based garden concept in relation to social needs and diversity of localities. The output is targeted at public authorities, research and education institutions, as well as at society groups using public garden services, garden stakeholders and their community strengthening; and for EU Strategies and BSR Policy. The multivariate set of real garden installations will justify the role the interactive garden services to promote public health, well-being, and education in different environments, and tackle the barriers of social impact by development by the tool for feedback/response options for a diverse groups of citizens. The virtual sample garden conveys characteristics and functionality of virtual reality (VR) visualizing the potential dynamics of the garden, in applicable timelines (past to future), and opening the way to future garden development based on IoT sensor data and simulation modeling. The methodology for a two-level evaluation of the interactive public garden system will be developed for primary and secondary users for ensuring ongoing improvements of interactive garden system components and for the prototype adjustments. The prototype of the informative network of the project gardens serves internal and external information through the development phases and leads to the finalized informative network ensuring an over boarder exploitation of an interactive garden system in BSR and wider.

Read more at the project website: INTERACTIVE GARDENS - Interreg Baltic Sea Region (interreg-baltic.eu)

Any questions please contact Thayna Mendanha.