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On March 4, 2025, researchers, industry leaders, funding bodies, and advisors gathered at Aarhus University for a crucial discussion: How can Denmark…
On Thursday, February 27th, experts from both industry and research gathered to provide their perspectives on what the future of food will look like…
Discover how Natalia Prieto Vidal and Guillermo Portillo Perez secured two Villum Experiment grants at AU FOOD with pioneering ideas that challenge…
Researchers from AU FOOD are investigating new methods to produce milk components using cell-based technologies and discussing their potential and…
Join the the MGC HYBRID Symposium. It brings together international experts in milk science, lactation, chemistry, microbiology, immunology,…
The Danes' consumption of legumes is lower than recommended by the OfficialDietary Guidelines, but what keeps us from pouring chickpeas, kidney beans…
A previously abandoned patent from Aarhus University got new life in the hands of two visionary food enthusiasts, and together they started a company…
New biosensor technology shows the potential of becoming a rapid, non-invasive and cost efficient tool for evaluating freshness of several types of…
It is becoming increasingly urgent to find crops that are resilient to climate changes. The phrase climate changes reflect many stress factors, and…
The gluten-free bread market is growing, but the texture of bread is typically dry and the crumbs are non-cohesive and they stale rapidly. Researchers…
The sustainable food solutions of the future should be found in the sea, according to two innovative startups, which are both taking part in an…
The talented food scientist, Mario Martinez-Martinez from the Department of Food Science received this year's talent prize at the Food Analytics…
Researchers are working on a new digital solution to track changes in the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables in real-time. This solution can reduce…
From 31 January to 1 February 2022, the Aarhus University Centre for Innovative Food Research, CiFOOD, invites you to a digital conference on the…
Mario M. Martinez has been awarded a prestigious Sapere Aude research grant of 6.2 million DKK from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The grant…
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