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Monday, Jun 13


Sustainable Healthy Diets are dietary patterns that promote all dimensions of individuals' health and wellbeing, have low environmental pressure and impact are accessible, affordable, safe and equitable and are culturally acceptable. Unfortunately, in the public debate, this is often reduced solely environmental impact on product level, thus ignoring the dietary level, as well as economic and social factors. Holistic approach on sustainable and healthy diets, particularly when include circular rather than linear food systems, clearly highlight importance of milk and dairy products in a sustainable and healthy diet. Key aspects in this are the nutrient density, the high digestibility and bioavailability, but also the affordability and social acceptance, combined with an ever-decreasing footprint. The role of milk and dairy products in a sustainable and healthy diet should, as such, be the foundation of a demand driven dairy chain.


Thom Huppertz (FrieslandCampina Wageningen University and Research, The Nederlands)



Thom Huppertz


Linking environmental impact and nutrition in nutritional LCAs: opportunities and challenges

Elinor Hallström
RISE, Sweden 

Effect of incubation temperature and Acetobacter orientalis level on in-situ production of lactobionic acid in yoghurt

Shamim Hossain, Yogesh Khetra, Chandni Dularia, Ganga Sahay Meena1
Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, India

Lactobionic acid (LBA) is a potential lactose derivative formed by lactose oxidation.  In the present study, the incubation parameters and Acetobacter orientalis inoculation level has been optimized based on LBA production and sensorial attributes of yoghurt. Three-level of Acetobacter orientalis (10, 15, 20%) were inoculated and incubated at three different temperatures (27, 30, 33°C) till the desired pH reached. The incubation time decreased with the increase in the incubation temperature. Acidity, pH, lactose content, lactic acid content, LBA content, lactic acid bacteria count, Acetobacter orientalis count were analysed during incubation. The final yoghurts were analysed for their whey syneresis, sensorial, rheological, and textural attributes. The yoghurt with 20% inoculum and 30°C incubation temperature had the highest LBA content (3.62±0.1 mg/100g) after 16 hours of incubation. This sample had optimum pH of yoghurt, less whey syneresis, acceptable overall sensoriay scores compared to other yoghurts. Hence, the incubation parameters (20% inoculum and 30°C /16 hours incubation) were optimized for lactobionic acid enriched yoghurt production.

Practical Relevance
There is a bright possibility to manufacture a fermented dairy product like yoghurt enriched with LBA by in-situ oxidation of lactose. Biocatalytic microbial conversion of lactose is the most possible way to produce edible quality LBA without any harmful by-products. This LBA enriched yoghurt may improve the calcium absorption rate in human.

Livestock in circular food systems

Renée Cardinaals1
Farming Systems Ecology Group, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands

How much animal-source food can be derived from (aquatic and terrestrial) farm animals fed solely with residual streams, depends on their capacity and efficiency to use biomass. Ruminants, for example, have the capacity to use grassland biomass, in contrast to pigs, poultry and farmed fish.  Ruminant production has many societal benefits, including food, income, nutrients, fibre and employment, among others. Grazing prevents land use change in one of the most endangered ecosystems: grasslands. Grasslands produce low cost feed which is inedible for humans but can be used by ruminants to produce nutritious animal-sourced food. Grass-based ruminant systems, therefore, can play an important role in circular food systems. Even though ruminants can create nutritional value from grassland, they also emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases, including methane and nitrous oxide. This leads to trade-offs between grassland use for food production and related greenhouse gas emissions. The CiFoS team in the FSE Group of Wageningen University is developing a model to assess the potential of livestock to increase the efficiency of our food system, while minimizing environmental impacts.

Practical Relevance
The debate on the role of ruminant products in healthy and sustainable diets is often based on the current (linear) food system. When re-designing the food system, the amount and type of animal products that can be produced may change, and thereby the total impact of a population's diet. This is important to consider when designing food based dietary guidelines, as well as for policy making.


The role of dairy in combatting malnutrition

Katie Ayling  
Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Influence of Dairy Products on Bioavailability of Zinc from Other Food Products: A Review of Complementarity at a Meal Level

Blerina Shkembi1, and Thom Huppertz1,2
Food Quality & Design Group, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
2 FrieslandCampina, The Netherlands

While the nutrient content of food products is generally determined on an individual product basis,  but the nutritional value is difficult to assess on a product basis, because food products are consumed in most cases, as meals rather than as single products. In this study we reviewed evidence for the influence of dairy products on zinc absorption from other food products. Co-ingestion of dairy products can improve zinc absorption from many food products. Significant improvements were observed when dairy products were co-ingested with e.g., rice, tortillas or bread products, all of which are high-phytate foods with low inherent zinc absorption but major sources of zinc in many diets. For foods low in phytate, the co-ingestion of dairy products did not improve zinc absorption. Improved zinc absorption of zinc from high-phytate foods following co-ingestion with dairy products may be related to the beneficial effects of the citrate and phosphopeptides present in dairy products. The important role of dairy products in the human diet is not only because of the nutrients it provides, but also because of its impact on nutrients from other nutrients from other products in meals.

Practical Relevance
Dairy products not only provide a source of dietary zinc but also modulate the absorption of zinc from other food sources. Considering that the main dietary zinc sources in areas in the world where zinc deficiency is most prevalent are typically high in phytate, the inclusion of dairy products in meals may be a possible dietary strategy to improve zinc absorption.

Quantitative proteomic profiling of bovine colostrum and milk at onset of lactation

Hannah K. Masterson1,2,3, Tom F. O’ Callaghan4, Michael O'Donovan5, John Paul Murphy5, Katie Sugrue5, Rebecca A. Owens2,3, Rita M. Hickey1,2
1 Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, Ireland
2 VistaMilk, SFI Research Center, Moorepark, Ireland
3 Department of Biology, Maynooth University, Ireland
4 School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland
5 Teagasc Animal and Grassland Research Center, Moorepark, Ireland

In order to better understand the milk proteome and how it transitions from colostrum to mature milk, we investigated the protein profile of milk produced by cows maintained under the same diet, management and environmental conditions but with different parities using a label-free proteomic approach. Differences in the abundance of various proteins between colostrum and mature milk have been widely investigated. Changes in levels of proteins in bovine milk early in the lactation period are less well understood as is the influence of parity of the cow. Previous studies have indicated that many proteins with altered abundance in the first week of lactation are involved with the development of the immune system and GI tract. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of early lactation and parity on the bovine milk proteome.

Practical Relevance
This study improves the understanding of the bovine milk proteome which will guide future developments in infant formulations.


A world without cows

Mitch Kanter
Global Dairy Platform, USA 


Mitch Kanter, Katie Ayling, Elinor Hallström and Thom Huppertz