Aarhus University Seal

Cultivated meat in bioreactors

Take cultivated meat from lab scale to bioreactors

The production of cultivated meat will inevitably require growth of cells in large scale bioreactors. However, this is not trivial as several aspects of cell culturing going from lab scale to large scale bioreactors are unknown. In this project, we will investigate and define the basic boundaries in which satellite cells can grow and develop into cultivated meat. This will allow us to extrapolate into bioreactor scale and thereby suggest reactor designs.

The project will be done in close collaboration with GEA, which are experts in bioreactors for food production.

In the project, you will work with cell culturing, evaluation of cell performance (proliferation and differentiation using various image and molecular based techniques), gene expression (using qPCR) and determination of marker compounds in the media (using e.g. ELISA assay kits).