Aarhus University Seal

Development of optimal fertilization of European blueberry (Vaccinum myrtillus) plants

Domestication of the wild Danish blueberry as a new berry crop requires comprehensive knowledge on propagation and cultivating plants efficiently. Knowledge on fertilizers adapted to this species is very limited. Characterization and evaluation of optimal fertilization method of European blueberry plants will support further domestication. The aim is to compare fertilizer levels and composition to seedlings and clonal plants for optimal plant growth in this special species, naturally adapted to low pH and low fertilizer levels

AU FOOD has since 2010 done research on developing a new Danish berry crop from Vaccinium myrtillus, which will be the first orchard production in the world of this species. Very little knowledge is available on optimal fertilization of this species, especially during cultivation of young plants to plant in orchards. 
Thus, characterization and evaluation of optimal fertilization method of European blueberry plants native to Denmark will support further domestication. 

The aim is to compare and evaluate fertilizer levels and nutrient composition to seedlings and clonal plants for identifying optimal plant growth in this species. 

The project focuses on analysing raw data and writing up results based on existing data from two experiments on Vaccinium myrtillus testing both growth of seedlings and cuttings plant material at different level of fertilizers/liquid fertigation.

The data consists of liquid fertilizer compositions (nutrients), variable levels of fertilizer concentrations, different plant material, several plant growth responses (level fresh weight, dry weight, plants, shoot, leaves, flowering, scorching damage).  

The tasks include analysing and describing/presenting results from existing raw data set and compare with literature in a review on the topic.

The aim is to develop a scientific manuscript almost ready for submission.