Aarhus University Seal

Extraction and Purification of RuBisCO for Future Food Applications

Interested in sustainable protein, processing, and functional properties? This is the project for you

The project will focus on extraction and purification of protein from green biomasses, e.g. alfalfa and white clover. Various different methods, e.g. membrane technology, isoelectric precipitation, and/or ion exchange chromatography, can be applied for the purification of RuBisCO. The resulting protein will be evaluated for digestibility, biophysics, and/or functionality.

The student will be aligned with two postdocs and will learn extraction and purification methods, and methodologies relating to digestibility, biophysics, and/or functionality.

The student will also be aligned with a 10-15 people group working with alternative proteins and natural colorants, biorefinery, stability and application. Ad hoc supervision in the lab will be provided. At weekly meetings the student will present her/his work and discuss design of experiments, results and perspective of the work. The student will present her/his data at a midterm seminar.