Aarhus University Seal

Quality of grass-based beef

Grass-based beef may be the most sustainable way to produce beef in future. However, how does is affect the meat quality?

Future beef production has to be done in a sustainable way, and grass-based beef may be a way forward because it takes into account the animal welfare and the unique capability of cattle to use fibre rich products as feed. However, the impact on the meat and eating quality has to be explored in order for the concept to be accepted by the future consumer. 

In the research project GrOBEat, we work on developing a production strategy for organic beef production from the dairy production, which can lead to high quality products that will fulfil the consumers expectations, in order to establish a trend towards quality before quantity. This will be of benefit for the climate. 

In this project, we analyse the texture, content of fat and composition of fatty acids, the content of volatiles and the eating quality, and your project can be adjusted to your main interest within this area.