Aarhus University Seal

Quantity vs. quality in consumer research data

If you are interested in contributing to the development of methods and data quality by researching which is the best way to source information from consumers, this is your project

Consumer involvement in the development of novel sustainable food products can give essential insights about market success and guide the process from concept design, driven by consumers’ wants and needs, to testing with the actual developed prototypes. Incorporating therefore consumer research in this green transition is crucial.

When examining the information required to target design of novel products, a multitude of aspects are deemed important to include in a consumer survey. However, when does data quantity starts affecting data quality? Do the questions asked play a role? How much detail is necessary and can we gather more reflective data by just asking (or measuring) in a different manner?

This MSc project will examine methodological aspects of consumer survey design with a focus on examining the type of questions and response types that are most suitable depending on the research aim. This will involve planning and preparation of different consumer survey designs, executing the in-field testing with consumers and conducting comparative analyses of the data.