Aarhus University Seal

The impact of early incubation temperature on stress response and the immune system in broiler chickens

Can the right incubation temperature improve the health and resilience of broiler chickens?

The incubation temperature of fertilised eggs affects organ development and physiology of the chicken embryo; It may be used as a tool to affect muscle development and thermoregulation in the later life of the chicken. However, there are few studies on its effect on the development of the immune organs and the ability of the chickens to react to pathogens. With the need to reduce antibiotic use in livestock production, it is important to increase the knowledge how interventions affect the immune system of our animals. 

A range of samples from different tissues of broiler chickens will be analysed using various methods, like RT-qPCR for gene expression, cell phenotyping and functionality assays. The lab work can be adjusted to the student’s interest and is a chance to get experience in numerous methods.

The data from this project will increase our knowledge on how the immune system of chickens can be supported with subsequent improvement of welfare and production.