Aarhus University Seal

The significance of the MAPK and AMPK signalling pathways on satellite cell differentiation

How can we control cell growth for cultured meat?

One promising solution to the climate challenge and production of sustainable food is cultured meat. Cultured meat is based on cell cultures of satellite cells isolated from animal muscle tissue e.g. from cows. The cells then have to undergo a proliferation and differentiation phase in order to develop into a primitive muscle cell culture suitable for cultured meat. However, we are not fully aware on the signaling pathways that controls these phases. Preliminary results from our lab suggests that MAPK and AMPK signaling pathways could be involved in controlling the proliferation and differentiation of the cells.

In this project, we will explore the regulator role of these pathways on basic properties of satellite cell cultures using e.g. cell culturing, RT-PCR, miRNA transfection and siRNA knockdown.