Aarhus University Seal

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods - Projects

Differentiated & Biofunctional Foods


Below please find a selection of ongoing research projects. Project descriptions for several of them are publicly available on websites which can be linked to from this page:

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  1. CellFood Hub

    Jette F Young , Liisa Lähteenmäki , Stig Purup , Esben Skipper Sørensen , Clarissa Schwab , Steen Brock , Stella Spanou , Jesper Emborg & Mogens Sandø Lund

    CellFood Hub aims to disrupt the conventional concept of a food commodity. Cellular food is placed between biotechnology and food and is as such not an established line of research nor an established commercial path – yet. It is in all aspects very much still in its infancy without any large Danish cultured food companies to adhere to or collaborate with. It not only requires new production technologies, production chains, sourcing and infrastructure but also legitimation, transparency, understanding, acceptance and liking from a consumer and citizenship perspective.Description


  2. CircularMeat – Cultured meat from animal derived side-streams

    Jette F Young , Margrethe Therkildsen , Martin Krøyer Rasmussen & Mogens Sandø Lund

    In a balanced meal, meat contribute with proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, bioactive components, and minerals. However, traditional meat production is challenged, because it draws heavily on land and water resources and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emission. Cultured meat is a future way to produce the same nutrients, with severely reduced impact on the environment. One of the largest challenges in culturing muscle cells in an economic sustainable way with consumer acceptance is eliminating fetal bovine serum (FBS) from the culture media. This project focuses on efficient modeling of culture media composition without FBS, by identifying and validating the combined effect of animal side-stream derived nutrients supplemented with recombinant growth factors for a cultured meat production in a circular perspective.Description


  3. Composition of "CleanMilk" from in vitro grown milk cells

    Lotte Bach Larsen , Nina Aagaard Poulsen , Ulrik Kræmer Sundekilde , Stig Purup & Jing Che

    The overall target of the CleanMilk initiative is to provide a scientific basis for potential future use of in vitrogrown bovine mammary cells for production of milk constituents. This will examine ifsuch systems in the long perspective can contribute to reduce climate gases and thereby contribute to fulfill Danish climate goals for 2030 and 2050.

    The project is financed by the Danish Dairy Research FoundationDescription


  4. FrostProInno - Innovative solutions for improved spring frost protection of flowers in fruit orchards

    Martin Jensen , Antonios Petridis , Majken Pagter , Maya Bojesen , Thomas Skovgaard , Jan Jager & Henning Jensen

    Danish fruit and berry growers experience a significant loss of fruit production due to spring frosts that kill flower buds. Global warming induces earlier flowering and earlier loss of frost tolerance in buds, while the last day of spring frost has not become correspondingly earlier. This means an even greater risk of frost damage in Danish orchards in the future, which both threatens economic competitiveness and affects the environmental footprint.
    The purpose of this project is to test and develop new and innovative solutions to protect flowers against spring frost with the aim of reducing frost damage and achieving higher and stable fruit yields and thus lowering the environmental footprint per fruit produced. Technologies being tested include testing new products that may biochemically or biophysically help protect flower buds from frost through delayed flowering or induced higher frost hardiness in buds. In addition, new fog systems that require much less water than traditional frost protection by irrigation will be tested. The possibility of utilizing varietal differences and rootstocks to reduce frost damage will be investigated. The importance of obtaining more precise information on microclimate will be investigated and results used to improve the prediction of damage risk and thus recommend the most economical and relevant tool for frost protection in orchards. Finally, measurements of physiological and biochemical changes in flower buds from the experiments will be used to develop more precise applied biological indicators of frost sensitivity to improve spring frost forecasting. Apples will be the main model, but pears and sweet cherries are also included

    Financing: Projektet er støttet af: GUDP, Aarhus Universitet, Ålborg Universitet, Hortiadvice, Kærsbo frugtplantage og Egeby Frugtplantage.Description
