Aarhus University Seal

Erasmus+ Project “European Excellence in Dairy Learning”

Erasmus+ Project “European Excellence in Dairy Learning"

Erasmus+ Project “European Excellence in Dairy Learning” (AEDIL Dairy CoVE)

The project “European Excellence in Dairy Learning” is a collaboration between a variety of European learning stakeholders in the dairy sector, which all have a strong tradition of vocational training and work-based learning in common. The dairy industry ranges from traditional craftsmanship to fully automated plants with vast production volumes, and therefore requires the development of a diverse range of skills. While there is a need to maintain the conventional dairy craftsmanship, new digital and green skills must be developed in order to stay competitive in the international marketplace.

The project has its origin in the Association of European Dairy Industry Learning (AEDIL), and includes nine member countries: Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, France, Serbia, Poland, Ireland, Turkey, and Romania. Each member country functions as a Dairy Centre for Vocational Excellence (CoVE) and is represented by stakeholders from the dairy industry, education, and science. The nine European CoVEs are developing innovative solutions to meet the changing and growing needs for skilled, specialised and motivated employees by designing activities that are integrated into the priorities of the local skills ecosystem.

The Danish CoVE

The six stakeholders working within the Danish consortium are: Kold College (lead partner), University College Lillebælt, Copenhagen University, MFU (Mejeribrugets Fællesudvalg), Arla and Århus University. By working closely together, the Danish consortium is developing new digital teaching material and courses, online academy modules for advanced students and workers, and training sessions and workshops designed to upskill teachers and meet the changing needs of the dairy industry. In connecting the dots between the needs of the industry, dairy education and modern technology we are able to create new and exciting pathways for young and mature learners to move through their education and into the workforce.

The project started in 2022 and will be finished in 2026.