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Title of the thesis: “Diversification in protein and micronutrient profiles of bovine milk relative to primary management factors”
The I-RESTART project continues to identify skill needs and gaps in the food industry, animal production and veterinary sectors in the European…
Katrine Overgaard Poulsen presents her thesis entitled: “An investigation of human breast milk metabolome and the faecal metabolome of breastfed…
AU Auning er den nye forskningsstation for frugt, grøntsager og bælgfrugter ved Institut for Fødevarer, Aarhus Universitet.
Vi viser de nye…
Title of the thesis: “Insect protein as a component in human diet – Elucidation of its nutritional value by metabolomics”
Title of the thesis: “CleanMeat – future sustainable meat protein”
Cultivated meat is a novel concept to produce meat in the future. The production is based on biotechnology for tissue engineering, up-scaling of cell…
Title of the thesis: Uncovering the underlying mechanisms of crossmodal assiciations between visual textures and temperature.
Title of the thesis: Digital food and analog lives: How digital food content influences eating behavior
Title of the thesis: Improving purification of ribulose-1,5-biphosphate-barboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) from alfalfa based on polyphenol oxidation,…
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