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Digital Uni Food Day focuses on current challenges from the food industry and brings in the newest knowledge and technology from leading university…
During the next five years Professor Claus Hviid Christensen will be linked to the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University. On Thursday the…
International masterclass on dairy proteins, their variations and molecular features, analytical methodologies for their characterisation, and…
recent report from UN’s Intergovemental Panel on Climate Changes expressed a positive attitude towards cellular agriculture, highlighting its…
Delivering with dairy: from primary production to primary purpose
Kom og hør om Organic RDD 6-projekt GrOBEat og relaterede projekter, der har til formål at udvikle en bæredygtig strategi for den økologiske kalve- og…
Abstract: For the vast majority of human history and prehistory, the primary objective of seeking food was survival through the maintenance of energy…
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