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Come and hear about the latest research in milk and health, when Arla Food for Health invites everyone interested to a conference. It will take place…
There is a lack of good plant protein products for food, but biorefining can be part of the solution. However, this requires a focus on the breeding…
Come and hear about the food of the future and sustainable food solutions, when the Department of Food Science participates in this year's Food…
During the next five years Professor Claus Hviid Christensen will be linked to the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University. On Thursday the…
Can we improve food products with ingredients from, for example, seaweed and plant-based fats? An NMR spectrometer can help find answers to questions…
Danske dyrkningsforsøg med frugt, bær og grøntsager skal fremover foregå på arealer vest for Gammel Estrup, som bl.a. huser Det Grønne Museum
Cultivated meat can be one of the sustainable alternatives of the future for our current meat consumption, and in the laboratories of Aarhus…
Is your plant-based burger not as delicious as a traditional meat burger? In cooperation with international partners, researchers from Aarhus…
The Danes' consumption of legumes is lower than recommended by the OfficialDietary Guidelines, but what keeps us from pouring chickpeas, kidney beans…
A previously abandoned patent from Aarhus University got new life in the hands of two visionary food enthusiasts, and together they started a company…
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CBIO - Aarhus Universitets Center for Cirkulær Bioøkonomi afholder i samarbejde med Food and Biocluster Denmark et kombineret seminar og match-making…
Making the way for high productivity and low environmental impact in the future bioeconomy.
Invitation til den første præsentation af en ny type komposttromle til bedriften. Hør om de første erfaringer med kompostering af planterester og…
Der er mangel på gode planteproteinprodukter til fødevarer, men det kan bioraffinering være med til at løse. Det kræver dog, at der kommer fokus på…
The purpose of the course is to give an introduction to some of the common methods in multivariate data analysis, and give the students tools and…
The purpose of the course is to give an up-to-date introduction to the basic methods in metabolomics. The course will cover nuclear magnetic resonance…
Digital Uni Food Day focuses on current challenges from the food industry and brings in the newest knowledge and technology from leading university…
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