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Akkerman, M., M. Rauh, V., Christensen, M., B. Johansen, L.
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Effect of heating processes on whey protein denaturation – Revisited using LC-QTOF-MS. Abstract from 9th NIZO Dairy Conference, Papendal, Netherlands.
Akkerman, M., Poulsen, N. A., Maximilian Rauh, V., Sørensen, J.
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Natural variation in casein micelle size and its effect on UHT storage stability. Abstract from NIZO Dairy Conference, Papendal, Netherlands.
Abraham, A., Skrivergaard, S., Rasmussen, M. K., Therkildsen, M. & Young, J. F. (2023).
Satellite Cells as Food. Abstract from 8th International Scientific Conference on Cultured Meat , Maastricht, Netherlands.
Zheng, H., Yde, C. C., Clausen, M. R., Dalsgaard, T. K., Lorentzen, J., Astrup, A., Larsen, L. H.
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Effect of 6-month dairy product consumption on the human metabolome. Poster session presented at 11th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health., Aarhus, Denmark.
Zheng, H., Yde, C. C., Kristensen, M., Lorentzen, J., Astrup, A.
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Metabolomic investigation of the impact of intake of cheese and milk in humans. Poster session presented at 4th Danish Symposium on Metabolomics, København, Denmark.
Zhang, Y., Herneke, A., Langton, M., Johansson, M.
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Effect NaCl, pH, and heating on the structure and gelling properties of pea protein. Poster session presented at 6th Food Structure and Functionality symposium.
Yue, Y., Sattari, Z., Kjærup, R. B., Poulsen, N. A., Che, J., Nielsen, S. D.-H., Dalgaard, T. S., Larsen, L. B. & Purup, S. (2022).
Cellular agriculture for colostrum and milk production. Poster session presented at International Scientific Meeting on Colostrum, Spain.
Yue, Y., Che, J., Poulsen, N. A., Larsen, L. B. & Purup, S. (2024).
Isolation and cultivation of bovine mammary epithelial cells from milk for cellular agriculture. Poster session presented at 2nd Internaional Cellular Agriculture Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Young, J. F., Rasmussen, M. K., Bertram, H. C. S., O. Blaabjerg, L., Puniz, E., R. Pedersen, J. & Elsser-Gravesen, D. (2016).
Impact of wooden breast - pH and water-holding capacity and consequence for microbial composition. Poster session presented at XXV World's Poultry Congress (WPC2016), Beijing, China.
Yde, C. C., Jansen, J. J.
, Theil, P. K., Bertram, H. C. S. & Knudsen, K. E. B. (2011).
Metabolic Response to Dietary Intake of Wheat or Rye Aleurone. Poster session presented at Metabomeeting 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
Yde, C. C., Clausen, M. R., Ditlev, D. B., Lillefosse, H., Madsen, L., Kristiansen, K., Liaset, B.
& Bertram, H. C. S. (2013).
Multi-block PCA and multi-compartmental study – intake of hydrolysed vs. intact casein by NMR metabolomics. Poster session presented at 4th Danish Symposium on Metabolomics, København, Denmark.
Yde, C. C., Clausen, M. R., Ditlev, D. B., Lillefosse, H. H., Madsen, L., Kristiansen, K., Liaset, B.
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Prevention of diet-induced obesity by intake of hydrolysed casein: Multi-block PCA and multi-compartmental metabolomics study. Poster session presented at 35th Danish NMR Meeting, Denmark.
Xiao, T., Nielsen, S. D.-H., Roland, I. S., Le , T. T.
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Proteome variation between ten different Danish grown faba bean cultivars. Poster session presented at 3rd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference 2024, Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
Wishna-Kadawarage, R. N.
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In-vitro selection of compatible synbiotics and (introducing) “prophybiotics” as a tool to improve gut health in chickens. Poster session presented at Abstract and oral presentation, Baltic University Program Symposium, Upssala , Sweden.
Williams, M., Lindhard Pedersen, H., Svensson, B., Rumpunen, K., Nestby, R., Nes, A., Wold, A.-B., Stewart, D., Brennan, R., Graham, J., Klopp, K. & Faby, R. (2010).
Future proofing berry fruit, Climafruit: IHC Poster Lisboa 2010. Poster session presented at International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
Williams, M. H., Pedersen, H. L., Bertelsen, M. G., Andersen, L., Paaske, K., Sigsgaard, L., Korsgaard, M., Jørgensen, R. N. & Bertelsen, K. K. (2011).
Nye løsninger sikrer fremtidig vækst i økologisk æbledyrkning. Poster session presented at horteam expo, Årslev, Denmark.
Wieczynska, J., Luca, A., Kidmose, U., Cavoski, I.
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The use of natural antimicrobial compounds in packaging of leafy greens- impact on microbial load and sensory quality. Poster session presented at FRUTIC Symposium 2017 - Quality and Safety of Fresh Horticultural Commodities, Fruit Logistica, Berlin, Germany.
Wang, Q. J., McCarthy, D., Woodside, J., Silva Lopez, M., Ferrero Camoletto, R., Gattino, S., Lorenzetto, G., Pettenati, G., Scavarda, A.
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Co-creating a healthy and sustainable food future via digital citizen engagement: A case study with university students across four European countries. Poster session presented at Pangborn 2021, Nantes, France.
Wang, A., Casadei, F., Bukman, H.
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Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds for early detection of storage diseases in Onions. Poster session presented at III International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology, Bari, Italy.
Wang, Q. J., Mathiesen, S. L., Li, D. P., Spence, C. & Byrne, D. V. (2019).
Sounds healthy: Cross-cultural auditory associations with healthy eating in UK, US, and Chinese consumers. Poster session presented at Pangborn 2019: 13th Sensory science symposium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Wang, Q., Mielby, L. A., Thybo, A.
, Bertelsen, A. S., Kidmose, U., Spence, C. & Byrne, D. V. (2018).
Sweeter together: The combined influence of product intrinsic and extrinsic factors on perceived sweetness of fruit beverages. Poster session presented at EUROSENSE 2018 - A sense of taste, Verona, Italy.
Villumsen, N. S., Bak Jensen, H.
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& Larsen, L. B. (2014).
Analysis of Storage Induced Aggregates in Acidic WPI Dispersions. Poster session presented at 11th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Århus, Denmark.
Vesterholt, L., Shanmugam, S., Hefner, M., Sørensen, J. N. & Kristensen, H. L. (2022).
Er dine økologiske grøntsager veganske? – er de dyrket med økologisk gødning?. Poster session presented at Landbrugsmessen, Gl. Estrup , Auning , Denmark.
Vestergaard, M., Kristensen, T., Mogensen, L., Andersen, B. V., Christiansen, I. A., Jørgensen, K. F., Kramer, C.
& Therkildsen, M. (2024).
Use of foster cows to produce rosé veal of spring-born dairy calves in an organic setting. Poster session presented at 75th EAAP Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy.