Cellular food comprises the concept of producing food, based on a cultured cell-mass i.e., cultured cells or produced by micro-organisms. These methods makes it possible to produce animal products with significantly lower resource consumption and CO2 footprint, than traditional production with the aim not to compromise human health and obtain citizen´s understanding and approval of products.
The CellFood flagship targets to initiate many new collaborative projects, deliver new knowledge, technologies and talent development through initiating major research projects and make AU ready to absorb /respond to calls in the area in the very near future.
This seed funding for bigger applications should focus on interdisciplinary research within CellFood areas.
Approximately 1.4 M DKK will be granted through this 2024 call and new calls will be announced annually for the next 2 years.
Seed funding up to a maximum of 500.000 DKK /activity can support activities like:
Seed funding up to a maximum of 500.000 DKK /activity can support activities like:
Applications describing project aim and activities, timeline and for projects a description of future application-plans if the project is successful. The application must not exceed two-pages, exclusive of references, all other material or links will not be included in the evaluation. The following appendices should be included: budget in available template, one-page CV of the main applicant (Supervisor/PI on the project) and of collaboration partners important for the project.
Applications are evaluated by a committee comprising Clarissa Schwab, Mogens Sandø Lund, Steen Brock, and Jette Feveile Young
Applications will be evaluated with regard to their relevance for the Cell Food Flagship, the
scientific content and feasibility, potential of future external project applications, the CV of the applicant(s) and the budget. Applications involving partners from more AU Departments are encouraged.
Applicants can expect to receive response to their application ultimo April 2024. Funded activities must start no later than October 31st 2024 otherwise the funding will be withdrawn.
Successful applicants are obliged to participate and present the project and results in the form of an oral presentation or a poster at an annual CellFood meeting/workshop/conference.