Aarhus University Seal

Previous news and events

Previous news

Previous events

Virtual Meeting: Resilient Northern Crops Network (NordCrop)

14 Apr
2 days, Wednesday 14 April 2021, at 12:30 - 15 April

The network funded by NKJ will investigate how we can exploit new genomic and phenotyping technologies to identify more robust genotypes in key Nordic…

Webinar: Impact Beyond Academia

19 Mar
Friday 19 March 2021, at 15:00 Online

Do you want to be a better grant writer, a more fluid presenter, and see your research make an impact beyond the lab? Then sign up for this joint…

Anne Vuholm Sund's PhD defense

12 Mar
Friday 12 March 2021, at 13:00 Online

Anne Vuholm Sund's PhD thesis entitled "Biological variability and effect of natural bovine milk glycosidases on glycoconjugates and…

Ozgenur Coskun's part A exam

25 Feb
Thursday 25 February 2021, at 09:00 Online

Ozgenur Coskun's part A exam entitled “FILTRATE – Understanding critical processing parameters to design novel improved Functional mILk protein…

Kathrine Esager Ørskov's qualifying PhD exam

16 Feb
Tuesday 16 February 2021, at 10:00 Online

Participate on Zoom: Send an email to sn@food.au.dk