These are some of the focus areas aligned to FOODHAY: Open Innovation FOOD & Health Laboratory research infrastructure. FOODHAY was funded as part of the Danish Roadmap for Research infrastructure (2015-2020) and in 2019 received a grant of 51.5 M DKK (6.9 M Euro) from the Ministry of Education and Research.
The consortium behind FOODHAY, cofunded the establishment of FOODHAY, resulting in a new Danish research infrastructure in the health and food area of 103 M DKK (13.8 M Euro). FOODHAY is nationally distributed, so the new research infrastructure is aligned to each of the consortium partners. FOODHAY will establish physical research infrastructure aligned to the following platforms:
and the added value of FOODHAY will be the interaction and synergies gained between these four platforms of research infrastructure, as represented by a
Knowledge on nutrition and health in relation to food will be gathered in this platform and will be linked to expertise in the scientific assessment of the relationships between nutritional and health aspects and the physical-chemical properties of foods, food ingredients, and foods following processing. This platform will work closely with scientists from the other platforms and will form the theoretical basis for the new knowledge and products generated.
Representatives from the food sector participated in a webinar on 8 February 2024, delving into a range of research conducted using equipment from the Open Innovation Food & Health Laboratory, FOODHAY. Watch or revisit the recorded presentations from the webinar.
During a webinar 8 February 2024, researchers from Aarhus University, DTU National Food Institute, University of Copenhagen, and Danish Technological Institute provided representatives from the food sector with insights into the latest research conducted using state-of-the-art research equipment procured for the Open Innovation Food & Health Laboratory, FOODHAY, since the beginning of 2020. The research has generated new knowledge and results contributing to optimizing processes in food production and developing healthier and more sustainable food.
The FOODHAY research infrastructure can be used alone or in combination with other research facilities held by the research partners. Research infrastructure enables us to generate new knowledge and support talent development. A range of Bachelor, Masters and PhD projects are carried out each year, the following research based thesis have been awarded through accessing FOODHAY equipment:
Companies and research communities have achieved new standards of collaboration through the shared state-of-the-art laboratory center, FOODHAY, setting the stage for the development of cutting-edge knowledge and innovative solutions in the realm of future healthy and sustainable food.
Aarhus Universitet 26. September 2023
Vimeo Week 23 ITV monitor nr. 19 2022
Ved hjælp af avanceret teknologi kan Aarhus Universitet nu sende forbrugere på indkøb i et virtual reality-supermarked, og det er der mange gode grunde til. Ved at skrue på en lang række parametre i supermarkedet kan forskerne nemlig få en bedre forståelse af, hvad der påvirker vores indkøb.
Fødevarefokus 31. March 2022
Musik og støj, belysning, priser, hylderne og de ansattes hud-, hår- og øjenfarve. Det er nogle af de ting, der kan påvirke, hvad vi smider i kurven, når vi tager på indkøbstur i det lokale supermarked.
B.T. 30. March 2022