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Three PhD students from the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University (AU FOOD) have won the EIT Foods Innovator Fellowship Programme with their…
A new research project aims to reduce the carbon footprint of food ingredients by at least 33% by replacing eggs with plant-based ingredients that…
From June 11th to June 13th the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University has the pleasure of hosting the Second International Cellular…
The DanMilk project has mapped the composition and variations of Danish dairy milk for the first time - right down to protein, vitamin, mineral and…
Barbara Vad Andersen is a tenure track assistant professor at the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University. Her journey into academia and…
Students from the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University continue to impress our European colleagues. In a recent EIT Food entrepreneurship…
A new questionnaire survey from Aarhus University has, among other things, investigated Danes' attitudes towards cell-based meat and milk. Now the…
Alexandru Luca was accepted as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in April 2022. This Tenure Track is a six-year process, with a specific focus on…
Mesfin Tsegaye Gebremikael has been with the Department of Food Science since June 2021. In March of 2023 he joined the Department’s Tenure Track…
In an effort to address the rising issue of food packaging waste, the EIT food funded project InformPack has embarked on a mission to educate and…
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We are excited to invite you to the "Careers in Cellular Agriculture Event," an independent event from the International Cellular Agriculture…
BioSubstrate 2.0 invites you to an open house event on 3 June 2024
Come to the open house event at Agro Food Park 48, 8200 Aarhus N and hear about…
Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO), CiFOOD and MAPP from Aarhus University are organizing an interdisciplinary research workshop on upcycling in…
If you wish to participate, including reception please register no later than 27 March 2024: events.au.dk/25-reception-kimfn/signup
Martin Nørmark Thesbjerg presents the thesis entitled: “An investigation of the human breast milk proteome in early life”
Fie Følbæk Drachmann presents the thesis entitled: “The influence of age, crossbreed, and sex on the concentration of intramuscular fat in beef”
Zahra Sattari Najafabadi presents the thesis
entitled: “Utilising cultured primary bovine mammary epithelial cells for milk components production” …
Mark your calendar 8 February 2024 to gain insights into how state-of-the-art
FOODHAY research equipment has led to exciting new knowledge and…
Lørdag den 2. marts er der åbent hus på AU Viborg. Kom forbi og hør om de tre nye uddannelser i Dyrevidenskab, Plante- og fødevarevidenskab og…
Wenqiang Bai PhD defence: “Organocatalytic acetylation of pea starch and its compatibilization with matrix polysaccharides tofabricate bioplastics”
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