Industrial Ultrasound Processors, 2x Model No. UIP 2000hdT-230, Hielscher GmbH
Room A007 (Food Processing Lab), building 2-74 Rolighedsvej 30, 1958 Frederiksberg Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH FOOD)
Typical applications
Processes food by cavitation in batch or continuous mode
Offers a wide range of applications such as extraction of ingredients, structuring of food (e.g. emulsifying, homogenizing), particle size reduction, microbial decontamination, cell disintegration, deagglomerating, and cleaning
Ultrasonication (e.g. ultrasound extraction, microbial decontamination, and structuring of foods)
Thermosonication (e.g. heat-assisted ultrasound extraction, microbial decontamination, and structuring of foods)
Manosonication (e.g. pressure-assisted ultrasound extraction, microbial decontamination, and structuring of foods)
Manothermosonication (e.g. heat- and pressure-assisted ultrasound extraction, microbial decontamination, and structuring of foods)