Aarhus University Seal


FOODHAY research infrastructure can be used alone or in combination with other research facilities held by the research partners.
Research outcomes can be communicated to a range of audiences through participating in national or international conferences.
The following presentations are examples of the types of international and national presentations given between 2021 – 2023, as a result of accessing FOODHAY research infrastructure:


  • Chen Q, Auras R, Corredig M, Uysal Unalan I 2021.
    Investigation of poly(lactic acid) (PLA)/layered double hydroxides (LDH) for high-performance monomaterial packaging materials.
    The 1st CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, 26-29 September 2021, Online.
  • Bisgaard SI (presenting author), Nguyen LQ, Bøgh KL, Keller SS 2021.
    Mechanical Stability and Skin Penetration of In-Plane Silicon Microneedles.
    Oral presentation, Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) conference, September 20-23, Turin, Italy.

  • Junge, JY, Andersen GH, Mielby LM, Kidmose U 2021. Functional Equivalence of the Two Sides of the Human Tongue. Poster session presented at 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Nantes, France
  • Janalikova M, Sedlarikova J, Pavlatkova L, Peer P, Pleva P, Uysal-Unalan I. 2022. Zein/chitosan/nano-cellulose composite films functionalized with phenolic compounds.
    The 11th International Colloids Conference, 12-15 June 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Chen Q, Auras R, Uysal Unalan I 2022.
    Is stereocomplex polylactide a high gas barrier solution for food packaging?
    The 2nd International Conference of Center for Innovative Food Research of Aarhus University, 31 January-1 February 2022, Aarhus, Denmark.

  • Sogut E, Uysal-Unalan I 2022.
    Sequential particle size reduction of lignin and its implementation as a water-resistant biocoating in paper packaging.
    The 2nd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, 12–14 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Dahl JF, Gregersen SB, Andersen U, Schulz HJ, Corredig M 2022.
    New methodological approach to study anisotropic structure in foods.
    36th EFFost International Conference, November 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Dahl JF, Gregersen SB, Andersen U, Schulz HJ, Corredig M 2022.
    Multiple techniques to characterize high protein anisotropic structures.
    5th Food structure and Functionality Symposium, September 2022, Cork, Ireland.

  • Skrivergaard S, Abraham A, Rasmussen MK, Young JF, Therkildsen M 2022. 
    A high-throughput multipurpose image-based cell analysis platform.
    Poster session presentation at the International Scientific Conference on Cultures Meat 2022, Maastricht, Holland.

  • Thesbjerg MN, Nielsen S D-H, Poulsen NA, Sundekilde UK, Larsen LB 2022.
    Relative abundances of proteases, inhibitors, glycosidases and glycosyltransferases in human milk in relation to lactation and secretor status.
    IMGC UC Davis, October 2022. Abstract and poster.
  • Che J, Nielsen S D-H, Sattari Z, Yue Y, Purup S, Poulsen NA, Larsen LB 2022.
    Proteomics study of cultivated bovine mammary epithelial cells secretomes.
    IMGC UC Davis, October 2022. Abstract/Oral/Poster.
  • Tanambell H, Møller AH, Corredig M, Dalsgaard TK 2022.
    Use of membrane filtration in fractionating and concentrating alfalfa proteins.
    21st IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 31 October – 3 November 2022, Singapore.
  • Morris B 2022.
    Climate-friendly diets.
    A workshop with the Danish Nutritional Council.
  • Bai W (presenting author), Vidal NP, Roman L, Martinez MM 2022.
    Structure-function relationships of pectin in pea starch composite films.
    The 5th EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting 2022, September 8. Portugal
  • Dickens A, Aatsinki A, Karlsson H, Kailanto H, Karlsson L, Lamichhane S, Sundekilde UK (presenting author) 2022.
    Oral presentation of “FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study – Human Breast Milk Metabolites Over 24 Months Lactation Associate with Infant Socio-Emotional Development”
    IMGC 2022, Davis, Ca, USA. https://pheedloop.com/IMGCSymposium2022/site/home/
  • Skrivergaard S, Abraham A, Rasmussen MK, Young JF, Therkildsen M 2022.
    A high-throughput multipurpose image-based cell analysis platform.
    Poster session presented at 8th International Scientific Conference on Cultured Meat 2022, Maastricht, Holland.
  • Abraham A, Skrivergaard S, Rasmussen MK, Therkildsen M, Young JF 2022.
    Satellite Cells as Food.
    Abstract at the 8th International Scientific Conference on Cultured Meat, Maastricht, Holland.
  • Kidmose U (presenting author), Sfyra K 2022.
    Do prototypes of plant-based burgers match the sensory properties of commercial plant-based burgers and regular meat burgers.
    Eurosense22 13 - 16 September, 2022. Turku, Finland.
  • Martinez MM 2022.
    Exploitation of Biopolymers from Food Crops within Planetary Boundaries.
    Food Analytics Conference 2022. Copenhagen, Denmark. 16/11/2022. Organized by Foss Analytics.
  • Martinez MM 2022.
    Molecular and colloidal principles determining anisotropic food structuring from seed protein fractions.
    Cereals & Grains Annual Meeting 2022. Minneapolis, MN, USA. 09/11/2022. Organized by Cereals & Grains Association.
  • Martinez MM 2022.
    Food structure and multicomponent interactions determine carbohydrate nutritional quality.
    Nombre del congreso: Cereals & Grains Annual Meeting 2022. Minneapolis, MN, USA. 09/11/2022. Organized by Cereals & Grains Association.
  • Martinez MM 2022.
    Hidratos de carbono “buenos” y “malos”, la importancia de las interacciones entre las moléculas de la célula vegetal.
    VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. 04/10/2022. Organized by inisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Córdoba.
  • Martinez MM 2022.
    Good carbs, bad carbs: gaps and opportunities for edible plant cells.
    Transcolab Summit. Braganca, Portugal. 23/03/2022. Organized by Centro de Investigacion de Montana.
  • Martinez MM 2022.
    Food structure and multicomponent interactions determine carbohydrate nutritional quality.
    Seminar series at the Department of Food Science, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 28/11/2022.
  • Høgsgaard K, Vidal NP, Marietou A, Gam OF, Li Q, Catalano J, Martinez MM, Schwab C 2022.
    Fucose but not fucoidan enhances propionate formation of intestinal microbiota through microbial cross-feeding.
    Danish Microbiological Society Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. 14/11/2022. Organized by Danish Microbiological Society.
  • Spotti J, Giannini-Kurina F, Román L, Henriksson T, Moldin A, Martinez MM 2022.
    Understanding starch fine molecular structure and its influence in the retrogradation behavior of different wheat varieties.
    VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. 04/10/2022. Organized by inisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Córdoba.
  • Skov K, Suwal S, Corredig M, Martinez MM 2022.
    Structuring and phase behavior of milk protein concentrate and pea starch during high moisture extrusion processing.
    5th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium. Cork, Ireland. 18/09/2022. Organized by Elsevier and Food Structure and Functionality Forum.
  • Nasrollahzadeh F, Skov K, Chen M, Mekonnen T, Dutcher J, Martinez MM 2022.
    Exogenous addition of a nano-scale dimension dramatically enhances the tensile properties and juicy mouthfeel of plant-based whole cut meat analogues.
    5th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium. Cork, Ireland. 18/09/2022. Organized by Elsevier and Food Structure and Functionality Forum.
  • Bai W, Prieto N, Martinez MM 2022.
    Structure-function relationships of pectin in pea starch composite films.
    5th International EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting 2022. Aveiro, Portugal. 08/09/2022. Organized by University of Aveiro.
  • Vidal N, Roman L, Swaraj S, Ragavan V, Simsek S, Martinez MM 2022.
    Improving the nutritional value of cold-pressed oilseed cakes through extrusion cooking.
    Transcolab Summit. Braganca, Portugal. 23/03/2022. Organized by Centro de Investigacion de Montana.
  • Queiroz LS (presenting author), Lardoux P, Mariette P, Jessen F, Subtil C, Jacobsen C, Getachew AT, Jafarpour A, Casanova F, Gringer N 2022.
    Emulsifying properties of hydrolyzed proteins from shrimp head and shells, Pandalus borealis, pretreated by alternative processing.
    Oral presentation at WEFTA, Conference of the Western European Fish Technologists’ Association, October 17-21, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Hakme E (presenting author), Poulsen ME 2022.
    Occurrence of co-formulant residues in food and feed.
    Oral presentation in the European Pesticide Residue Workshop. September 19-23. Bologna, Italy.
  • Cheng H, Højberg SJ, Guo Y, Feyissa AH 2022,
    Understanding and modelling the extrusion process for Atlantic salmon feed including black soldier fly larvae replacement.
    2nd International Feed Technology Congress, May 31- June 1. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Jensen HA, Hansen LT, Sørensen JS, Mejlholm O, Bøknæs N, Dalgaard P 2022
    Effect of deheading and storage in modified atmosphere on the shelf life of shell-on-prawns (Pandalus borealis).
    In FoodMicro 2022: Abstract Book (pp. 60-60). [O6.1] International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene.
  • Sarigiannidou K, Odelli D, Jessen F, Mohammadifa MAr, Ajalloueian F, Vall-llosera M, de Carvalho AF, Casanova F (presenting author) 2022.
    Interfacial properties of pea protein hydrolysate: The effect of ionic strength.
    Poster presentation, International Colloids Conference, June 12-15, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Peschel AO, Jacobsen LF, Frank D-A, Steinmann S, 2022.
    VR Retail Lab: An immersive virtual reality (VR) supermarket as a flexible research infrastructure.
    Abstract from NordiCHI, October, 2022. Aarhus University, Denmark.
  • Stickel L, Grunert K, Lähteenmäki L 2022.
    The role of informational gratification in the purchase of healthy snack products.
    Poster session at EuroSense22, 13 - 16 September, 2022. Turku, Finland.
  • Zhang Y, Rivas LR, Kirkensgaard JJK, Corredig M 2022.
    Effect of Salt Extraction on Structure and Functionality of Concentrate Pea Protein.
    EFFoST Conference, 8th November, 2022. Dublin, Ireland.
  • He W, Jakobsen LMA, Zachariassen LF, Hansen AK, Andersen HJ, Bertram HC 2022. Dual NMR for probing intrinsic bone structure and a potential gut-bone axis in ovariectomized rats.
    International workshop: Multiscale Food Structures and Foodomics, October 28-29, 2021 (online)

  • Ørskov KE, Olsen MA, Pedersen JKB, Kidmose U, Hammershøj M 2023.
    A study of semi-hard plant-based imitation cheese.
    Nordic Rheology Conference, 12-14 April, Aarhus, Denmark. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 31.
  • Hammershøj M, Valnion AJ, Pedersen LP, Nissen SH, Olsen MA, Dalsgaard TK 2023.
    Gelling properties of pea protein isolate in combination with protein from wild harvested ulva spp. Nordic Rheology Conference, 12-14 April, Aarhus, Denmark. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 31.
  • Coskun O, Raak N, Wiking L, Corredig M 2023.
    A colloidal perspective of the changes occurring to milk protein concentrates produced by membrane filtration.
    Dairy Science Association (ADSA), Annual Meeting, Abstract 2534. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 106, 127.
  • Tanambell H, Danielsen M, Devold TG, Møller AH, Dalsgaard TK 2023.
    In vitro protein digestibility of RuBisCO from alfalfa obtained from different processing histories: Insights from free N-terminal and mass spectrometry Study.
    Poster presentation at the 3rd Food Chemistry Conference, 10-12 October 2023, Dresden, German
  • Tanambell, H. 2023.
    In vitro protein digestibility of RuBiscO from alfalfa from various processing histories and purity.
    Oral Presentation at the 16th European PhD Workshop, 9-10 May 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Dang T, Sogut E, Uysal-Unalan I, Corredig M 2023.​
    A thermoanalytical approach to quantify microplastic in food:  a proof of concept using polystyrene microplastic. ​
    Food Analytics Conference, 14 November 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Singh S, Sogut E, Uysal-Unalan I, Karlovits I, Coma V, Corredig M, Poças F 2023.
    Characterization and safety assessment of tomato paper boards: Comparing samples from different EU countries.
    The 3rd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, 11-13 September 2023, Madrid, Spain.
  • Sogut E, Chen Q, Mithani M, Fichera M, Buyuktas B, Uysal-Unalan I 2023.
    Bio-based stereocomplex poly(lactic acid) microspheres by ultrasonic approach: Optimization of processing conditions towards high performance food packaging.
    The 3rd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, 11-13 September 2023, Madrid, Spain.
  • Uysal-Unalan I 2023.
    Unlocking of the potential of biobased poly(lactide) by stereocomplexation approach for high gas barrier and durable packaging applications.
    The 3rd CIRCUL-A-BILITY Conference, 11-13 September 2023, Madrid, Spain.
  • Mithani M, Chen Q, Auras R, Corredig M, Uysal-Unalan I 2023.
    Bio-based stereocomplex poly (lactic acid) composites: Exploring the role of graphene on rheological behavior.
    The Nordic Rheology Society conference, 12-13 April 2023, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Dahl JF, Gregersen SB, Andersen U, Schulz HJ, Corredig M 2023.
    Novel Visual Exploration of Lare Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) Rheology on Soft Food Materials.
    Nordic Rheology Conference April 2023, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Andersen GBH, Junge JY, Kidmose U 2023.
    Sweetness intensity of partially separated or mixed sucrose solutions.
    15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 20-24 August Nantes, France. Abstract 634.
  • Andersen GBH, Junge JY, Byrne DV, Kidmose U 2023.
    The synergistic mechanism between the sweetener's saccharin and cyclamate: A psychophysical study.
    15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 20-24 August Nantes, France. Abstract 636.
  • Che J, Nielsen S D-H, Sattari Z, Yue Y, Purup S, Poulsen NA, Larsen LB 2023.
    Proteomics of the secretomes of bovine mammary epithelial cells.
    Cellular Agriculture Conference, VTT Finland, June 2023. Abstract and oral student presentation.
  • R Ramsch, P Andersen, LB Larsen, NA Poulsen, N Raak, G Brambilla, G  Meunier 2023.
    Multi speckle-diffusing wave spectroscopy: A powerful tool for milk gel characterization.
    Nordic Rheology Conference, April 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Mathiasen S, Frydenberg RP, Kleinert M, Kiens B, Guo Z, Wiking L 2023.
    Novel milk fat fractions for health and functionality obtained by short path distillation.
    19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, 17-20 September, 2023, Poznań, Poland.
  • Bertram, H.C. 2023.
    Sustainable bone health- the role of milk minerals.
    Dairy Research Day, March 23, Herning, Denmark.
  • Bertram HC 2023.
    Food matrix effects: The case of calcium.
    Invited talk at the 14th European Nutrition Society Conference (FENS). Serbia, November 13-17. 2023.
  • Correia BSB, Sandby K, Krarup T, Magkos F, Geiker NRW, Bertram HC 2023.
    What is the ideal control arm in a dairy intervention from a metabolomics perspective?
    Annual IMGC Symposium, University College Cork, Ireland, September 6-8, 2023.
  • Vad Andersen B, Chabaana N, Tao Jacobsen I, Byrne DV 2023.
    Voluntary change in food choices –drivers and barriers connected to the different stages of a dietary change process.
    15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium Meeting, New challenges in a changing world. 20-24 August 2023,  Nantes, France.
  • Frederiksen C, Byrne D V, Andersen BV 2023.
    Is snacking behaviour driven by the ability to sense bodily signals? A study of pleasure-, perception- and intake of palatable snacks.
    15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium Meeting, New challenges in a changing world. 20-24 August 2023,  Nantes, France.
  • Andersen T, Pedersen SL, Quist JS, Færch K, Byrne DV, Wang QJ 2023.
    The influence of food picture viewing on physiology and eating behaviour: The FOODPIC study.
    15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium Meeting, New challenges in a changing world. 20-24 August 2023,  Nantes, France.
  • Andersen GH, Junge JY, Byrne D V, Kidmose U 2023.
    The synergistic mechanism between the sweeteners saccharin and cyclamate: A psychophysical study.
    15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium Meeting, New challenges in a changing world. 20-24 August 2023, Nantes, France
  • Dang TT, Sogut E, Uysal-Unalan I, Corredig M 2023.
    A thermoanalytical approach to quantify microplastic in food:  a proof of concept using polystyrene microplastic.
    Food Analytics Conference, 14 November 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Månsson L 2023.
    Enzyme Assisted Extraction of Oil from Rapeseeds with Minimal Addition of Water,
    10-12 October, 2023, 3rd Food Chemistry Conference, Dresden, Germany.
  • Petersen MA 2023.
    Creating in-column aroma models by cryo-trapping.
    Poster presentation, 13th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry and Biology, Eisenach, Germany, 3-6 October, 2023.
  • Noguera PM 2023.
    Using proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) to analyse microbial off-flavors geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in water. Method development, performance assessment and comparison with established GC-MS methods.
    Plenary talk, DIFFA23 Direct Injection Food Flavour Analytics, Fondazione Edmund Mach in San Michele all'Adige, Italy, 20-22 September, 2023.
  • Noguera PM 2023.
    Rapid quantification of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in water samples using PTR-ToF-MS. An analytical comparison with established GC-MS methods.
    Poster, 13th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry and Biology, Eisenach, Germany, 3-6 October, 2023.
  • Peschel AO 2023.
    The devil is in the detail: Recall and recognition in VR Retailing.
    Monash Business Behavioural Lab (MBBL) Annual Symposium: Judgement and Decision-making in Virtual and Real Worlds. 20-21 November 2023.
  • Frank D-A, Peschel AO, Otterbring T, Dipalma J, Steinmann S 2023.
    The impact of Metaverse fidelity on consumer responses in virtual retail stores.
    8th COLLOQUIUM ON EUROPEAN RESEARCH IN RETAILING (CERR): Book of Proceedings. Nieto Garcia, M., Acuti, D., Sit, J. & Brusset, X. (eds.). Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, p. 200-206.
  • Frank D-A, Peschel AO, Dipalma J, Blumenkranz D, Otterbring T, Steinmann S 2023.
    Does Metaverse Fidelity Matter? Testing the Impact of Fidelity on Consumer Responses in Virtual Retail Stores,
    EMAC, May 2023, Odense, Denmark.
  • Torma G, Peschel AO, Ali Khan Niazi K, Victoria M, Aschemann‐Witzel J 2023.
    Planning a Virtual Reality study on dual land use approaches (food and energy),
    Presentation at the at the DIGIT center, Aarhus University, digit.au.dk, October 2023.
  • Torma G, Peschel AO, Ali Khan Niazi K, Victoria M, Aschemann‐Witzel 2023.
    Virtual Reality (VR) experiences as a means to address issues of social acceptance of multifunctional land use (crops and solar energy),
    Presentation at the SHAPE's cross-disciplinary seminar series, October 2023.
  • Torma G 2023.
    Public perception of agrivoltaics with an introduction to a Virtual Reality study,
    Webinar, November 2023.
  • Torma G, Aschemann‐Witzel J 2023.
    How we explore citizen reactions to agrivoltaics with the help of Virtual Reality,
    Open hours at the COBE lab, Aarhus University, December 2023.
  • Maktabdar M, Wemmenhove E, Gkogka E, Hansen LT, Dalgaard P 2023.
    Bacillus cereus in dairy products: Prevalence and development of extensive growth and growth boundary models for mesophilic and psychrotolerant sub-groups.
    Oral Presentation at 12th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food. June 13-16, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Kragh ML, Scheel NH, Leekitcharoenphon P, Dalgaard P Hansen LH 2023.
    Technical Session: Design of a Biofilm Model Based on Metagenomic Characterization of Drains in Seafood and Dairy Processing Facilities
    at IAFP´s European Symposium on Food. 3-5 May, Aberdeen, Scotland.
  • Bang-Berthelsen CH 2023.
    Conversion of by-products into new meat alternative and its impact on health.
    Oral presentation at Congreso international de alimentos funcionales y nutracéuticos, 12-14 November, Mexico.
  • 2023 Introduction to FOODHAY
     – Food & Health Open Innovation Laboratory 2023.
    DTU National Food Institute Conference on plant-based food, DTU National Food Institute, 14 September 2023.


  • Morris B 2021.
    Sundhedsformidling – kommunikation i øjenhøjde.
    Ernæringsfokuskonferencen 2021 Bæredygtig kost – hvad skal vi spise. Landbrug&Fødevarer, 18. November, 2021 Denmark.
  • Hansen M 2021.
    Procesteknik der gør grøntprotein egnet til fødevarer.
    Oral presentation, InnoGrass Slutkonference 2, December 14. https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/projects/innograss-b%C3%A6redygtig-anvendelse-af-protein-fra-gr%C3%B8n-biomasse-til--2
  • Dalsgaard, TK, Pedersen LJ (presenting author) 2022.
    Demonstration of large extruder to showcase products including meat analogues with Ulva. IDA Seaweed evening, 13 December, 2022. AU FOOD, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • FOODHAY workshop on equipment cooperation, October 4 2022. Online.
    DTI: Hvid S. DTU: Sinha A, Xiao H, Nguyen H, Mendes A, Queiroz LS, Hansen M. KU: Krych L, Siegumfeldt H, Poojary MP, Khakimov B, Aru V, Bredie W, Petersen MA, Reinbach, HC. AU: Rasmussen MK, Nielsen SDH, Hammershøj M, Byrne DV, Wang QJ, Kidmose U, Peschel, AO
  • Introduction to FOODHAY – Food & Health Open Innovation Laboratory 2022. DTU National Food Institute Conference ”Healthy, Safe and Sustainable Food of the Future” October 13 2022.
  • Digital Uni Food Day 2022. Food & Bio Cluster Denmark organized online event. 30. August 2022.
    DTI: Hastrup ACS, Mielby LM. DTU: Hansen LT, Yesiltas B, Solem C. KU: Ahrné L, Olsen K. AU: Corredig M, Banovic 
  • Morris B 2021. Undhedsformidling – kommunikation i øjenhøjde. Ernæringsfokuskonferencen 2021 Bæredygtig kost – hvad skal vi spise. Landbrug&Fødevarer, 18. November, 2021.