Aarhus University Seal


FOODHAY research infrastructure can be used alone or in combination with other research facilities held by the research partners.
Access to research infrastructure enables us to generate new knowledge and support talent development.
Below is a list of research-based Bachelor, Master, and PhD theses that were completed and awarded in 2021 – 2023, where the research was carried out by accessing FOODHAY equipment.

From 2024 onwards only PhD theses are listed:


  • Bachelor Thesis – Stark K 2023. 
    Effects of varied processing on digestibility of potato protein and rapeseed oil food matrix.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Boesgaard LM 2023.
    Investigating parameters and techniques for laboratory-scale production of butter.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Sinik A, Bork Beck J 2023. 
    Yogharta be kidding me. Rapeseed and pea protein blend as a base for a plant based product. 
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Mejdahl TKB, Jørgensen ML  2023.
    White dry powder Chlorella Sorokiniana as a food ingredient:  strategies for enhancing protein solubility.  
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Sommer A, Kirk Lund, N, Laursen S 2023.
    Concept development: a faba bean based beverage.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis –Dissing TJJ, Ellermann AM 2023.
    Simultaneous Extraction of Oleosomes and Proteins from Oil Seeds.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Le APV 2023.
    Rennet induced coagulation properties of casein: whey protein formulations in comparison with bovine and human milk.
    Supervisor contact info: Lotte B. Larsen, lbl@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Brun A and Jensen MV 2023.
    Fremstilling af kakaomælk med ens viskositet – Ved brug af hydrocolloid.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Eskerod Sørensen, J 2023.
    Microgelation as a new technology to achieve higher protein content in a plant-based milk substitute based on faba bean protein concentrate.
    Supervisor contact info: Bo Spange Sørensen, bo.spange@bce.au.dk, Karin Loft Eybye, klt@teknologisk.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Liersch A-L P 2023.
    Developmental effects of TBBPA and PFOS on the thyroid gland.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis - Aabel LS 2023.
    Investigation of seaweed in bread.
    Supervisor contact info: Aberham Hailu Feyissa, abhfe@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Ikram S 2023.
    Retinoid signaling in development of male external genitalia.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Kheizaran S 2023.
    Bread fermentation.
    Supervisor contact info: Aberham Hailu Feyissa, abhfe@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Gadfelt A. S. 2023.
    Matrix dependence of vitamin K bioaccessibility study by in vitro digestion model.
    Supervisor contact info: Jette Jakobsen, jeja@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis - Jensen EF, Veliji D 2023.
    Interfacial properties of shrimp proteins and chitosan in emulsions.
    Supervisor contact info: Nina Gringer, Ngri@food.dtu.dk , Lucas Sales Queiroz lusaqu@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Zhuang A 2023.
    PEF effect on protein extraction.
    Supervisor contact info: Tiffany Patra, tiffany@food.ku.dk

    Masters project – Madsen TSD 2023.
    Coagulation and in vitro digestion of dairy ingredients for infant formulas in comparison with bovine and human milk.
    Supervisor contact info: Lotte B. Larsen, lbl@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Charlampita MMC 2023.
    Edible films and coatings using pea starch and phloroglucinol to extend the shelf-life of salmon fillets.
    Supervisor contact info: Mario Martinez Martinez, mm@food.au.dk, Natalia Prieto Vidal npv@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis - Frahm E 2023.
    Fat crystallization in cheese powder depending on production and storage parameters.
    Supervisor contact info: Lars Wiking, lars.wiking@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Höxter ST 2023.
    Effect of β-κ-haplotypes on casein micelle size and share of caseins between micellar and soluble phase.
    Swedish University of Agricultural Science – ERASMUS internship
    Supervisor contact info: Nina Aagaard Poulsen, nina.poulsen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Witt MLP 2023.
    Quality and functionality of Faba beans in relation to mineral composition, trypsin inhibition and plant drink stability.
    Supervisor contact info: Nina Aagaard Poulsen, nina.poulsen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Graulund C 2023.
    Properties for cultivated meat: a study on Danish Blue and Holstein cattle.
    Supervisor contact info: Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Martink.rasmussen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Pedersen JM 2023.
    Quality of cultivated bovine meat regarding the expression and activity of relevant proteolytic enzymes.
    Supervisor contact info: Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Martink.rasmussen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Ovesen SK 2023.
    Exploring quality parameters of cultivated porcine meat by investigating proteolytic enzymes.
    Supervisor contact info: Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Martink.rasmussen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Rahbek NS 2023.
    Curcumin as a potential treatment of NAFLD, in vitro effects of Curcumin in Oleic acid exposed HepG2 cells.
    Supervisor contact info: Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Martink.rasmussen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Marloes S 2023.
    A Study on Fat Replacement by Hydrocolloids in Chocolate Milk & the effects of low-fat labeling on sensory ratings and preferences.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Master Thesis – Lili T 2023.
    Baking with barley.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis - Kløvdal M 2023.
    Sniffing Out the Truth: Exploring the Role of Olfaction in Virtual Reality for Environmental Behaviour.
    Supervisor contact info: Derek V. Byrne derekv.byrne@food.au.dk, Qian Janice Wang qianjanice.wang@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis - Jakobsen IT 2023.
    Possibilities and barriers for dietary changes towards more plant-based diets in different populations, and how individuals cope with dietary changes.
    Supervisor contact info: Derek V. Byrne derekv.byrne@food.au.dk, Barbara Vad Andersen barbarav.andersen@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis - Hedegaard M 2023.
    Optimization of enzymatic pretreatment of enzyme assisted mechanical extraction of oil from rapeseeds. 
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis - Flarup Laursen N 2023.
    The influence of process conditions on oat protein functionality. 
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis - Thomsen, K.  2023.
    Assisted extraction of oil from rapeseeds with minimal addition of water.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig mc@food.au.dk

    Master Thesis - Lynge M, Gudnason EE  2023.
    Delivery systems for lipophilic bioactives.
    Supervisor contact info: Ana C. Mendes, anac@food.dtu.dk, Ioannis S. Chronakis, ioach@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis - Pedersen TR, Remfeldt IS 2023.
    Upcycling plant-based ingredients from industrial side streams.
    Supervisor contact info: Ana Mendes, anac@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Zapparoli G 2023.
    Characterization, functionalization, and application of fungi biomass.
    Supervisor contact info: Federico Casanova, feca@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Subtil C 2023.
    Protein from shrimp side stream to stabilize O/W emulsions.
    Supervisor contact info: Federico Casanova, feca@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Lardoux P 2023.
    Interfacial properties of hydrolyzed shrimps protein.
    Supervisor contact info: Federico Casanova, feca@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Liori K & Kotsia Z 2023.
    Chemical changes during processing of Chlorella.
    Supervisor contact info: Charlotte Jacobsen, chja@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Guldbech S 2023.
    Effects of moderate developmental thyroid hormone deficiency on the rat striatum.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Berg M 2023.
    Mapping the spatiotemporal transcription landscape in the developing rat penis: Focus on androgen-, estrogen- and hedgehog signaling.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Investigation of different industrial side streams as growth media for Laetiporus sulphureus and lactic acid bacteria.
    Master Thesis – Jansen C. 2023.
    Supervisor contact info: Claus Heiner Bang-Berthelsen, claban@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Ruskov T 2023.
    Investigating the effect of screen type, mixing time and homogenization in citrus fiber stabilized oil-in-water emulsions.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Ruskov T 2023.
    A comparative study of two commercial citrus fiber’s structural, rheological, and emulsifying properties.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Drakos C 2023.
    Investigating the polymorphic structure of cocoa butter.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Stærk T 2023.
    Fat crystallization and storage.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Gaur MC 2023.
    Tempering machines effect on the development of storage-related bloom.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Nyrop-Larsen ZW, Jensen RS 2023.
    Enhancing the functionality of undefined mixed starter cultures for semi-hard cheeses through genomic analysis and culture blend optimization.
    Supervisor contact info: Lukasz Krych; krych@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Bergmann DB 2023.
    Fermentation Characteristics of P. kluyveri and M. pulcherrima during Aerobic and Limited Aerobic Fermentation Investigating the Potential Ethanol Reduction in Wine.
    Supervisor contact info: Nils Arneborg, na@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Olmo AB 2023.
    Assessment of food waste in service industry for new product development: a focus on the development of a "chocolate"-like product based on spent coffee grounds and its consumer acceptance.
    Supervisor contact info: Wender Bredie, wb@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Kristensen S, Wulff F 2023.
    Eyes on the past: Cognitive Implications of Upper Paleolithic Cave Art.
    Supervisor contact info: Kristian Tylén, kristian@cc.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Grasberger K 2023.
    Mastering structure design in model foods containing dairy proteins for flexitarian diets.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Tanambell H 2023.
    Improving purification of ribulose-1,5-biphosphate-barboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) from alfalfa based on polyphenol oxidation, supramolecular structure, and in vitro protein digestibility.
    Supervisor contact info: Trine Dalsgaard, trine.dalsgaard@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Lanng SK 2023.
    Insect as a component in human diet – Elucidation of its nutritional value.
    Supervisor contact info: Hanne Christine Bertram, hannec.bertram@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Møller TL 2023.
    An updated perspective on the structure of bovine casein micelles under mild changes in environmental conditions.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Grasberger K 2023.
    Mastering structure design in model foods containing dairy proteins for flexitarian diets.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    PhD project – Andersen GH 2023.
    Interactions between sucrose and sweeteners.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Nasrollahzadeh F 2023.
    Structuring Plant-Based Foods Using Less Refined Plant Proteins and High Moisture Extrusion.
    Supervisor contact info: Mario Martinez-Martinez, mm@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Thamsborg KKM 2023.
    Cadaverine as an Objective Indicator of Spoilage in Meat and Fish Products.
    Supervisor contact info: Jørgen Johannes Leisner, jjl@sund.ku.dk, Derek V. Byrne, derekv.byrne@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Chen Q 2023.
    Bio-based stereocomplex polylactide: Polymorphism impact on barrier properties and hydrolytic degradation in the three-phase crystalline structure.
    Supervisor contact info: Ilke Uysal Unalan, iuu@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Róin NV 2023.
    Diversification in protein and micronutrient profiles of bovine milk relative to primary management factors.
    Supervisor contact info: Lotte Bach Larsen, lbl@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Aguilera-Toro M 2023.
    Influence of protein interactions and Pseudomonas-derived proteolysis on UHT milk quality and spoilage.
    Supervisor contact info: Lotte Bach Larsen, lbl@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Wätjen AP 2023.
    Exploring diversity of lactic acid bacteria for the development of plant-based alternatives.
    Supervisor contact info: Claus Heiner Bang-Berthelsen, claban@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Bisgaard SI 2023.
    In Vivo Evaluation of Miniaturized Allergy Test.
    Supervisor contact info: Stephan Sylvest Keller, suke@dtu.dk, Katrine Lindholm Bøgh kalb@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Hansen M 2023.
    Green biomasses as a source of protein for human consumption.
    Supervisor contact info: Peter Ruhdal, perj@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Zhou F 2023.
    Valorization of Green Biomass: Alfalfa Pulp as a Potential Platform for Food and Biochemicals.
    Supervisor contact info: Peter Ruhdal, perj@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Joradon P 2023.
    Preparation and characterization of mushroom extract-loaded plant protein-PVA electrospun nanofiber composite.
    Supervisor contact info: Ana Carina Loureiro Mendes, anac@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Laursen AK 2023.
    Elucidating the mechanism of formation of cookable milk gels.
    Supervisor contact info: Lilia Ahrné, la@food.ku.dk

    PhD Thesis – Faber I 2023.
    Consumer strategic insights towards more plant-based food consumption in Europe.
    Supervisor contact info: Michael Bom Frøst, mbf@food.ku.dk


  • Bachelor Thesis – Juhl J 2022.
    Sustainable packaging of carrots.
    Supervisor contact info: Ilke Uysal Unalan, iuu@food.au.dk, Merete Edelenbos, merete.edelenbos@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Project (open) - Agerschou CL 2022.
    Surplus Bread Flour as an Additive in Tortillas and its Effect on Tortilla Quality.
    Project is confidential. Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Bachelor project (open) - Matzen SA 2022.
    Surplus Bread Flour as an Additive in Tortillas and its Effect on Sensory Quality of Tortillas.
    Project is confidential. Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Jørgensen LV 2022.
    Krystallisering af Sheasmør og Pentadesma – Solid fat content, reologi og teksturanalyse.
    Supervisor contact info: Lars Wiking lars.wiking@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Freund S 2022.
    Assessment and analysis of triterpenoid saponins in Alfalfa – Fate of saponins during alfalfa protein extraction.
    Supervisor contact info: Trine Dalsgaard: Trine.dalsgaard@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Olsen MA, Pedersen JKB 2022.
    Texture and flavour in vegan cheese analogues as an alternative to a semi-hard cheese.
    Thesis is confidential. Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Hansen EB, Thielsen LK 2022.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk
    Flavour i et vegetabilsk alternativ til en skæreost Thesis is confidential.

    Bachelor Thesis – Turin J 2022.
    The recycling of growth media for cultured meat application.
    Supervisor contact info: Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Martink.rasmussen@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Sommer A, Lund NL, Laursen S 2022.
    Concept development: A faba bean based beverage.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Rasthøj JB 2022.
    Testing an ex vivo model for thyroid hormone system disruption.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Riising SF 2022.
    Effects of reduced thyroid hormone levels on rat testis development.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Thorsteinsdottir A 2022.
    The effect of extrusion process conditions on fish meal and insect infused pellet quality and physical properties.
    Supervisor contact info: Aberham Hailu Feyissa, abhfe@food.dtu.dk, Hongyuan Cheng hoch@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Blumenkranz D 2022.
    The effect of visual realism on price and brand memory in a VR shopping setting – a comparison of two VR headsets.
    Supervisor contact info: Marc Malmdorf Andersen, mana@cas.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Harder N 2022.
    Lipid composition and structure during simulated digestion.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Eklund P, Ohrt A 2022.
    Exopolysaccharides in milk systems.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Terp JJ, Birkemose M 2022.
    Gel structure in paneer cheese-making studied with SAXS.
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Arpe F, Ildor M 2022.
    The influence of different yeast extracts on the fermentation of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus.
    Supervisor contact info: Lene Jespersen, lj@food.ku.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Hansen MF, Hvidtfeldt M 2022.
    The effect of nudging on plant-based food choice and intake in a self-serving setting.
    Supervisors contact info: Ilona Faber, ilona.faber@food.ku.dk; Sandra Stolzenbach Wæhrens; Armando Perez-Cueto

    Bachelor Thesis – Sinik A, Beck JB 2022.
    Rapeseed and pea protein blend as a base for a plant-based product.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Ellermann AM, Dissing TJJ 2022.
    Simultaneous Extraction of Oleosomes and Proteins from Oil Seeds.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Fichera MA 2022.
    Stereocomplexed poly(lactic acid) emulsions by ultrasonic approach for food packaging applications.
    University of Milan / AU FOOD
    Supervisor contact info: Ilke Uysal Unalan, iuu@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Colombo G 2022.
    Multiple mechanical recycling of PET: modification of physico-chemical properties and safety implications as food contact material.
    University of Milan / AU FOOD
    Supervisor contact info: Ilke Uysal Unalan, iuu@food.au.dk

    Masters Thesis – Bæch N 2022.
    Revolutionizing Grocery Retail: The Power of VR and the Metaverse for testing.
    Supervisor contact info: Albena Mihovska, amihovska@btech.au.dk

    Master Thesis – Hansen AD 2022.
    Cultivated meat production: The role of myostatin in proliferation and fusion of bovine satellite cells.
    Supervisor contact info: Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Martink.rasmussen@food.au.dk

    Master Thesis – Diaz L 2022.
    Breastfeeding shapes gut microbiota composition and fermentation activity during the first months of life.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulrik Sundekilde, uksundekilde@food.au.dk

    Master Thesis – Sand C 2022.
    Characterization of the human milk and infant urine metabolome during the first three months postpartum in a sub-set from the Danish MainHealth cohort.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulrik Sundekilde, uksundekilde@food.au.dk

    Master Thesis – Poulsen R 2022.
    Investigation of aroma release and aroma-taste interactions using different sweeteners in a lemon-lime beverage model.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Master Thesis – Christensen CLD 2022.
    The effect on the sensory profile and consumer liking of sucrose replacement with sweetners in chocolate flavoured milk.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Coskun O 2022.
    A colloidal perspective of the changes occurring to milk protein concentrates during membrane filtration combined with diafiltration.
    Supervisor contact info: Milena Corredig, mc@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – He W 2022.
    Enhancing bone mineralization by the introduction of gut-modulating strategies in dairy matrices.
    Supervisor contact info: Hanne Christine Bertram, hannec.bertra@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Peng-Li D 2022.
    Sounds Healthy: Auditory influences on the psychophysiological mechanisms of food-related decision-making.
    Supervisor contact info: Derek V. Byrne derekv.byrne@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Mathiesen S 2022.
    Musical meals: How environmental sonic cues can influence eating experiences.
    Supervisor contact info: Derek V. Byrne derekv.byrne@food.au.dk

    PhD Thesis – Lerch MK 2022.
    PFAS in Paper-Based Food Contact Materials - Mass Spectrometric Identification and Migration Tests in Food Simulants and Real Food.
    Supervisor contact info: Kit Granby, kgra@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Dima P 2022.
    Effect of electrohydrodynamic processing on the functionality of probiotic cells.
    Supervisor contact info: Ioannis S. Chronakis, ioach@food.dtu.dk, Ana C. Mendes, anac@food.dtu.dk

    PhD thesis – Sztuk T 2022.
    Strategies for the Prevention and Treatment of Peanut Allergy. 
    Supervisor contact info: Katrine Lindholm Bøgh, kalb@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis - Davidsen N 2022.
    Developmental effects of per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) – From hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes to thyroid hormone system disruption.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Faisal M 2022.
    Responsive packaging pH indicators.
    Supervisors contact info: Andreas Blennow, abl@plen.ku.dk; Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    PhD Thesis – Henn K 2022.
    Cross-cultural understanding of consumer attitudes towards pulses and pulse-based products.
    Supervisor contact info: Wender Bredie, wb@food.ku.dk


  • Bachelor Thesis – Østvold IA, Thorsøe KC, Poulsen KJ. 2021
    Partikelstørrelsesreduktion, suspensionsstabilisering og smagsoverdøvning af en sundhedsfremmende fødevareingrediens til anvendelse i drikkevare.
    Supervisor contact info: Hanne Bjørn Høiby, hbjh@teknologisk.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Hansen NS, Rosenbæk RL, Børgesen M 2021.
    Enhancement of poly (lactic acid) using stereocomplex and LDH.
    Co-supervisor contact info: Ilke Uysal Unalan, iuu@food.au.dk
    Interfacial Properties of Pea Protein Hydrolysate: The Effect of Ionic Strength.
    Supervisor contact info: Federico Casanova, feca@food.dtu.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Agerschou CL, Matzen SA, Jensen HB 2021.
    Preparation of recycled flour from surplus bread as an additive in fresh bread and its effect on the bread quality (Thesis is confidential).
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Stoltenberg A 2021.
    Sensory quality of Atlantic salmon as affected by farming procedure.
    Supervisor contact info: Ulla Kidmose, ulla.kidmose@food.au.dk

    Bachelor Thesis – Kjær KM 2021.
    Screening and identification of polyfuorinated surfactants by liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry.

    Bachelor Thesis – Terp J, Birkemose M 2021.
    Nanostructural characterization of paneer-like acidified milk gels. 
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Pedersen KL 2021.
    Thyroid hormone system disruption and effects on the developing brain.
    Supervisor contact info: Terje Svingen, tesv@food.dtu.dk

    Master Thesis – Nafar N, Baskaran R 2021.
    Properties of lignin in ethanol and methanol solutions. 
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Laima D 2021.
    Nanostructural influence on oxidation in oilwater emulsion. 
    Supervisor contact info: Jacob Kirkensgaard, jjkk@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Sørensen MR 2021.
    Investigation of Kokumi-active peptide from saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast extract.
    Supervisors contact info: Nils Arneborg, na@food.ku.dk; René Lametsch, rla@food.ku.dk  

    Master Thesis – Jørgensen LN 2021.
    Kokumi-Active Peptides in Commercial Organic Yeast Starter Cultures and Yeast Extracts from Two Strains of Saccharomyces pastorianus. 
    Supervisors contact info: Nils Arneborg, na@food.ku.dk; René Lametsch, rla@food.ku.dk

    Master Thesis – Volkova D 2021.
    Investigation of aging effect on hop-derived compounds in beer using high-throughput metabolite profiling methods. 
    Supervisor contact info: Bekzod Khakimov, bzo@food.ku.dk

    PhD Thesis – Li R 2021.
    Understanding and controlling protein ingredient-milk component interactions during processing. 
    Supervisor contact info: Anni Bygvrå Hougaard, abhg@food.ku.dk

    PhD Thesis –Jensen MB 2021.
    Vitamin K active compounds – study of content and bioavailability.
    Supervisor contact info: Jette Jacobsen jeja@food.dtu.dk

    PhD Thesis – Noordraven L 2021.
    Impact of thermal processing and storage on the rheological and flavour aspects of chickpea-based systems: focus on whole chickpeas and chickpea flours. 
    Co-supervisor contact info: Mikael Agerlin Petersen, map@food.ku.dk